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How “expensive” is crypto anyway?

by Vlad Krasnov

I wouldn’t be surprised if the title of this post attracts some Bitcoin aficionados, but if you are such, I want to disappoint you. For me crypto means cryptography, not cybermoney, and the price we pay for it is measured in CPU…

AES-CBC is going the way of the dodo

by Vlad Krasnov

A little over a year ago, Nick Sullivan talked about the beginning of the end for AES-CBC cipher suites, following a plethora of attacks on this cipher mode.

Cloudflare Crypto Meetup #5: February 28, 2017

by Nick Sullivan

Come join us on Cloudflare HQ in San Francisco on Tuesday, Febrary 28, 2017 for another cryptography meetup. We again had a great time at the last one, we decided to host another. It’s becoming a pattern.