About Coalmont


Nickantony Quach
3 min readDec 18, 2019


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Zoe, Jairson, Alec and, in the foreground, Norman

[1] Coalmont is a publication on Medium.com initially created in late December of 2019 by a group of friends in Providence, Rhode Island: Nickantony Quach, Jairson Ascencao, Alec Mustafayev, Norman D. Baker, and Elias Turner aka Tengu. Its tag line is, “From Rhode Island with Love”, and its purpose is to help you as the individual become far more powerful than you’ve been led to believe.

[2] Nickantony Quach is the Founder of Ri4CTV, Creator of Thumoslang, and Father of One, who works for the NFL.

[3] Rhode Island Foresight Television (Ri4CTV) is a channel on YouTube. The 4C means foreseeing and thus foresight. Its purpose is to bring foresight to your personal philosophy.

[4] Thumoslang is the nomenclature for social life. This nomenclature is what remains after all the rules are stripped off of the philosophy found in the 2017 book, Thumos: Adulthood, Love & Collaboration, which is written by Nickantony Quach and Mark Canny.

[5] To become far more powerful than you’ve been led to believe, bring more good things to the life of others. To do so, tell them the following. The good things in their life are derived from their relationships. That’s why we all should become an expert in human relationships. To become an expert in any field, you must first learn of its nomenclature. Thumoslang is the nomenclature for use in social life to achieve more consequential relationships with much less effort. To have better things in life, let Thumoslang turn you into a master of relationships and make you far more powerful than you’ve been led to believe.

[6] Few weeks after he turned 20, Jairson Ascencao was in the tree flirting to a girl when Nick first saw them. Minutes later, the filming began and the flirting continued. At the time, Nick could not and did not realize that three months later he would be helping Jairson to write, Confessions of an Alpha Monkey using Thumoslang, the story of Jairson’s life; hence Coalmont.

[7] “As graduation approached my friends started to drift away. I spent a lot of time in the past to build up these friendships, and it felt like such a waste of my youth to have most of my friends disappear from my life. Because I didn’t want to have to start over, I needed to make sure we would still have reasons to see each other even after we left. Does this sound familiar at all?”

[8] That is how Jairson felt when he was 18. He considers it a Black Mountain because it is one of the biggest and darkest problems in life for many. This Black Mountain is not only a problem for students. Every other professional in the New World Order with lower and lower trade barriers among nations are forced to move from one city to another distant city. For some, from one nation to another distant nation, all within a few years. We are all desperate for a systematic solution, which is the objective of Coalmont.



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!