At a Crossroads on Day One of HavenFestVPD

Last Minute Changes to the Architecture of the Thumos Village

Nickantony Quach
5 min readJan 6, 2020


At a crossroad on Thayer Street in Providence, Rhode Island

It’s 4:30 AM. That’s 12 hours before the start of Day 1 at the HavenFestPVD 2020 Winter Festival. Last minute changes are still being added to The Architecture of HavenFestPVD.

[2] After wrapping up the article The Clans less than an hour ago, Jairson Ascencao went to bed. The article got Nick to add the following entries to his Thumoslang database.

  • Neighbors; that means, walkable visits.
  • Clan; that means, strong common interest.
  • Village; that means, neighboring clans.
  • Chief; that means, clan leader.
  • Collective; that means, cooperative group.
  • Pact; that means, clan collective.

[3] The following article has been referred to as the specification of The Architecture of the weekly creativity village HavenFestPVD. Before Nick had a chance to review or revise it using the new Thumoslang terms, he had to deal with a missing link.

[4] While poking around the Festival website at, Nick noticed that the following link is missing on key pages. He also saw the link does not answer the six critical questions. After answer the questions What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How, he hooked up the link for all key web pages for the Festival.

[5] It’s 5:30 AM. Nick began the work of revising The Architecture. At first he split the first paragraph into two. This change brought Alec and Norman into the mix. Their birth years are added to emphasize the freshness of their idea: a new type of village for humanity. The term clan is also inserted even in the new first paragraph, which is as presented below.

HavenFestPVD is your chance to be a part of a new type of village for humanity, Rhode Island’s weekly creativity village, organized by Jairson Ascencao (born 1999) and his clan We4inPVD, which includes Alec Mustafayev (born 2002), Norman D. Baker (born 1993), and their mentor Nickanthony Quach. Jairson, Alec, and Norman are visible in the above featured photo, which was taken by Nick during an art gathering at The Haven Cave.

[6] Appended to the third paragraph, where the mission statement is declared, is the following sentence.

To be sure, with this new type of village for humanity, you can speed up your lifelong journey towards your ideals.

[7] The term village chief should never be used. Nick does not want people to think that this role is that of the village leader, who speaks for the entire village. Right after the villager is first described, the following paragraph is inserted.

When several villagers work together for a strong common interest, they are referred to as a clan. Its leading member is referred to as a chief, also known as a clan leader. The chief speaks for the entire clan but not for the entire village. For practical purposes, a clan may have one and only one member. When several clans work together for a common interest, they are referred to as a pact.

[8] It’s 6:30 AM. In many mentoring sessions, Nick now and then heard from Alec of his mission in life. In Nick’s mind, the mission statement was not expressed in words until Nick saw the following, as stated by paragraph 12 in Jairson’s article The Clans. What Alec truly wants to do the most is…

to get as many people as possible to take agency in how they perceive the world.

[9] It’s 7:00 AM. It’s time to work paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 from The Clans into The Architecture. As the result, the following three paragraphs are inserted near the end of the latter.

If you as a villager would like to also enjoy being a nomad wandering around the village, you should create a clan whose members would take turn to keep the business of your homestead corner or rentable spot running smoothly. As a clan leader, you are responsible to keep your spaces running during their active times. How it should be carried out is up to you and your clan so long as others are respected. Members of your clan are allowed to bring into their rental spaces anything that would advance their ideals while respecting the others’ ideals at the same time.

As an alternative, instead of creating a clan, you may want to join a pact. Several clans may work together as a pact. Because a clan may have only a single villager as its member, you as a villager must not form a clan in order to take advantage of being a part of a pact.

As long as you have members who can keep your Clan’s space active while you explore, there’s nothing stopping villagers from also enjoying the fruits of the village. However, if your absence causes your Clan and their Nomads to be unable to do what they love, you’ve displayed disrespect not only to your clan, but to all the villagers and nomads who worked together to make the village a wonderful place to be. So be careful, as the role of a Clan Leader is an honor.

[10] It’s 7:30 AM. Now that web pages for the Festival have been improved and The Architecture for HavenFestPVD as a Thumos Village has been revised, it’s time for random reflection. Nick took a note to remind himself of a missing article explaining what a Thumos village is and how people should go about creating a new one in their hometown. After poking around on Facebook, he added the following to the Festival homepage.

[11] It’s 8:30 AM. It’s time for Nick to work on, which is RootPVD, the replacement of the so-called NDBaker93 Info Center. While YoutubePVD is a YouTube content creation facility for the people of Providence, RootPVD is short for NDBaker93 as a Source of Strength.

[12] It’s 10 AM, time for a quick nap. Nick has worked out the web page, which spells out exactly where one may find Nick at anytime during Day 1 of the Festival. The following paragraphs are presented there.

Nickantony Quach will be your host at the Crooked Corner in The Have Cave during the Winter Festival. Below is where and when you can find Nick on Monday. The time highlighted in red is a hard deadline.

As there are no shows after 5:00 PM, nomads (Festival-goers) may ask Nick about either YoutubePVD or RootPVD for up to 90 minutes, i.e. until 6:30 PM. Otherwise, Nick might walk around and film other corners in order to capture the Festival. Several nomads may be asked to join him, help him in the filming of our Festival.

At 6:45 PM, Nick is available to entertain several nomads with an extended Q&A session.

[13] It’s 12 PM. Jairson is taking a shower. Norman is basically still in bed. He might have been off and on awake. Nick still needs to work on the web page for the program RootPVD, which provides information about the YouTube daily show NDBaker93 as a source of strength in life for interested Festival-goers.



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!