How to Curate Coalmont

When You Want to Help Organize Our Contents

Nickantony Quach
3 min readJan 2, 2020


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Feature Image— Alec Mustafayev single-handedly curated his hand notes

This article is your guide to content curation at Coalmont. This is a way for you to add values to our magazine. Content curationis the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value. Services or people that implement content curation are called curators.

Our Feature Pages

Step 101 | Stories Get Read the Most

Figure 101A— Sample Result for the Stories Get Read the Most

In this step, you find out which articles are read the most at our magazine. Here is what to do.

Bring up our Stats by stories then click on the column header Reads to sort stories by the number of reads according to descending order. The result is as shown in Figure 101A— Sample Result for the Stories Get Read the Most.

Ensure that articles get read the most are accessible from the magazine homepage.

Figure 101B— Attaching an Article to a Main Story

For example, as soon as I saw that the article How to Win Back the Village for Humanity is the most popular, I attached it to the main story at the top of the homepage. I did not make the article the main story because during the opening of our business HavenFestPVD, the most important article is What to Expect at HavenFestPVD. The result is as shown in Figure 101B— Attaching an Article to a Main Story.

Step 102 | Most Popular Views

Figure 102 — Sample Result for Most Popular Views

In this step, you find out which articles are read the most at our magazine. Here is what to do. Bring up our Stats by stories then click on the column header Views to sort stories by the number of reads according to descending order; see Figure 102 — Sample Result for Most Popular Views.

Ensure that articles get viewed the most are accessible from the magazine homepage.

Step 201 | New Department

Figure 201 — Haven Department

Since we are opening HavenFestPVD as our business, we need to have easy access to its information center at Coalmont. That’s why I created the feature page Haven and insert a command on the Navigation for it. When you click on it, you should see something as shown in Figure 201 — Haven Department.

By the way, when step number is greater than 200, it is a one-time step and does not need to be done again and again.



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!