Useful Links for Web Software Development in 2017

Nicholas Westby
Code 101
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016
Enjoy this picture of icicles as you read through this listicle.

As I come across useful links, I’ll put them here (i.e., this page will change over time). At the time of this initial writing, it was December 2016, so this list is currently somewhat aspirational.

Backend Technologies

Razor Templates

Neat technique using Razor delegates I haven’t seen before.

Frontend Technologies

Webpack: When to Use and Why

Great introduction to Webpack. Covers concepts at a very high level.

Angular Universal for the Rest of Us

Decent explanation of the high level concepts relating to Angular Universal, including a few of the files commonly seen in projects related to Angular Universal (e.g., the client/server/browser/node/component files).

Tesla’s Battery Range Calculator in Angular 2

Neat Angular 2 tutorial that builds a very specific thing with some of the more useful Angular 2 concepts.

Repeatable SVG Patterns

These could be fun to work with. Maybe I can learn some things from them too.


Visual Studio Team Services

Can I use that for load testing?

Writing/Speaking About Software Development

Stock Image Aggregate Search

This is a neat tool I found on a blog post that allows for searches across multiple stock image websites. Useful for finding images to use in technical articles. Note that you need to allow popups for it to work (it opens each site in a new tab).


Free photos.

Medium Images

Has some nice tips, such as image galleries, setting the primary image, and linking images.

2017 Developer Conference Guide

Might be able to speak at some of these (or at least attend).


24 Days in Umbraco, 2016

This has awesome articles every year; I’m sure this year will be no exception.

Umbraco on Reddit

Time for me to start using Reddit?

Audit Log Viewer

This looks like a really useful way to view audit information in a single location. Would be great if I can extend it with additional information (e.g., Formulate changes, changes that destroy data).

Umbraco Migrations

Useful info that I might need (e.g., if I decide to restructure Formulate database tables to make them sortable/searchable).


Shows how to create a custom context with Ditto. Could be useful when mapping data from multiple pages.


I should consider this for any sort of bulk data editing.

Social Embeds

Embed Facebook/Twitter in Umbraco.

Custom Rewrite Provider

Maybe I could create a custom rewrite provider that looks up redirects in a database table.


This is now integrated into Umbraco 7.5.12+. The blog post has a bit of info on how to enable them and interpret them.

Content Management

CMS Form Builders

An interesting take on the pros/cons of form builders.

