Bringing the fun to Code Club!

Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia
5 min readAug 6, 2024

There are many fun ways to engage with our young coders in Code Club. Here are some tips from our volunteers and mentors across Australia!

Young coders enjoying a Code Club session

Allow for choice in the coding projects offered

With over 220 projects on our website, our clubs are spoilt for choice with what to pick. There are a few suggestions about how to select projects that will be offered to young people.

Are your coders just learning? It is best to start with the Learning Paths. Although the learning paths don’t give a choice of projects, they set up our young people to succeed in learning the skills they need to create their own projects.

Are your coders all learning the same coding language? A great way to offer a range of projects is to have them all share a common topic. This means that all of your coders can create a type of program they are interested in (game, animation) but all share a common theme.

Are your coders learning different coding languages? Again, by sharing the same topic you can create a sense of belonging with the projects while providing a range of options for young people to choose.

You can find so many projects on our website.

Create a safe environment

At Code Club, we’re all about creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where young people feel at ease sharing their ideas, asking questions, and getting the help they need.

At the start of the year, it is a great idea to start creating a set of Club Rules. We have some posters in your dashboard to help display these in your room. It is recommended to review these a few times a year to check that everyone still agrees, or to decide if some changes should be made.

Icebreakers to start your session

There are many different ways to start a session, and often times this is as simple as showcasing the end product of the session’s project, or sharing some projects that your coders have already completed.

There are other options too, which could include some unplugged activities. If you want to know more about this, read our recent blog post. Getting unplugged means showing our young people that the computational thinking skills they use in coding, apply to many other areas of our lives.

There are some clubs that also choose to start with some sort of game. KAHOOT! has become a popular online quiz that can be quick. Or for something that takes a bit more time, you can try Blooket.

Game options in Blooket

Promote creativity

While it’s important to have some structure in your sessions, leaving ample room for creativity can greatly boost the fun and engagement in your Code Club. Encourage learners to personalize their projects, add unique features, and let their creativity shine. This approach makes coding more enjoyable and fosters innovation and problem-solving skills.

Celebrate success

Acknowledging success and effort is crucial for creating a safe and supportive learning environment. It fosters a positive atmosphere where young coders can feel proud of their work and not be overly concerned about making mistakes, as mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.

On your dashboard, you’ll find a variety of certificates to celebrate your learners’ achievements. Check them out and see which ones you can award at your next Code Club session. Some of the certificates are specific to learning paths or activities, and others are general that you can apply to any situation.

Invite guest speakers

Inviting guest speakers from your families, the tech industry, or local coding communities could bring some added excitement and inspiration to your Code Club. Guest speakers can share their experiences, demonstrate real-world applications of coding, and offer valuable insights into different career paths in technology. Exposure to industry professionals can fuel learners’ passion for coding and provide them with valuable role models.

If you can’t find guest speakers to visit your club, there is a great range of videos online where people showcase where coding fits into many different career paths.

Web Careers: What does a web developer do?

Web Careers: What does a web designer do?

Change the Face of Computer Science

My name is Danelle and I’m a Software Engineer at MBARI

My name is Nikesha and I’m an Aerospace Engineer at NASA

Grow your inspiration

It’s important to make sure you keep yourself engaged too! Read some inspiring stories from our Spotlight Code Clubs, set up a chat session with Kaye, meet up with Code Clubs nearby, join challenges and competitions, and have fun creating your projects too! And if you get a chance, some fantastic conferences around Australia focus on digital technologies, coding, robotics, and networking that you can attend.

If you are looking to build your confidence and skills to help you support your learners, sign up for our free online training course Code Club in the Classroom, or if you are looking to upskill in using Scratch, try our new online course, Scratch — mastering the basics.

How do you keep your Code Club a fun and engaging space? Share your tips with the community on social channels using the hashtag #MyCodeClub.

Happy coding!


Manager, Code Club Australia



Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia

Code Club Australia is a nationwide network of free coding clubs for children aged 8–13.