Welcome Faith Wallace to the Leadership Team

Luigi Ray-Montañez
Code for Atlanta
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

Code for Atlanta is an all-volunteer effort. Having a set of strong, diverse leaders is important to our success. Recently, we added Yeti Aberra and Megan Calamusa to the leadership team.

Today we’re thrilled to announce that Faith Wallace is joining the team. Faith’s unique background in education will be a huge asset to Code for Atlanta moving forward.

Faith H. Wallace, Ph.D.

Faith Wallace

Greetings friends! My name is Faith Wallace, and I’m a career changer getting into technology a little late in the game. I’m a former college professor with over 10 years of experience teaching teachers how to teach and students how to learn. After a brief break from education, I decided to leverage what I knew about educational psychology and how we learn language (reading and writing) and dive head first into learning web development, and I love it. But when you are a career changer, it can be lonely. You just don’t know anyone in this field yet. Enter Code for Atlanta. One of the best experiences I had was attending their Civic Hack night.

Code for Atlanta, a brigade of Code for America, truly believes that technologists of any skill level can come together with governments, nonprofit organizations, and everyday citizens to try to find creative technological solutions to civic problems. Even more, we believe you don’t have to have any technological skills to still be a key member of a team, because we need more than technology. We need project managers, networkers, communicators, cheerleaders, and more. Most importantly, we need a shared community that believes that together we can find solutions to civic problems. We try to fix one small problem at a time — maybe not with duct tape, but maybe with some creative technical solutions.

I am a proud member of Code for Atlanta and am honored to be on their leadership team. Currently, I am the lead developer with Bank on Atlanta, a non-profit organization helping at-risk citizens learn about financial literacy and keep their money safe from predatory lenders. I am also part of the Civic Tech Immigration Coalition, a group dedicated to finding solutions to reuniting families being separated at the border because of current immigration policies. But guess what? You can do these things too. All you have to do is join us on a Civic Hack Night, select a project that sounds interesting to you, and volunteer to help in the most logical way possible.

Looking forward to meeting you soon. Come say hi at the next event. Or you can follow me on Twitter or Medium.

