Code Like Her Fellowship II — Weekly #5

Riya Maharjan
Code Rush Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2022

by Riya Maharjan

You never know what your future holds or where your life will take you. When I was in my final year of secondary schooling, the computer was my least favorite subject and anything related to the computer was the last thing I would’ve chosen as a career option. When I got into high school, my friend circle consisted of computer geeks who would talk anything and everything about software development. Initially, I didn’t get the hang of it, but as time passed by, I didn’t even realize when I became an IT enthusiast. As a result, I pursued my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Technology at Amrit Science Campus.

Although I knew I wanted to do something in the IT field, the vast range of scopes in this field overwhelmed me. That is when I started exploring various possibilities in search of that one thing that I would never feel bored doing. So, I started learning UI/UX and shifted to Flutter as my interest grew more in app development. Gradually, the hunger to learn more enlightened my path to web development. While I was learning through various online courses and workshops, it was clear that the personal and professional growth I strove for was not being fulfilled.

On a fine day, while scrolling through my social media account, I came across a post that indicated the application open for Code Like Her- Cohort II. It felt like the perfect opportunity to learn and grow my horizon. Without further delay, I applied for the fellowship.

After exploring some easy parts in the basics of JavaScript in the fourth week, we jumped to the medium part in the fifth week. The first day of the week started with learning how the scopes and hoisting work. The concept was new to us and interesting at the same time. The next day we covered JS functions and various ways to define a function. We practiced passing the JS function as a parameter and passing the JS function as a response the same day. We practiced some important array methods in JS(i.e. forEach, map, filter, reduce) the following day. It took a lot of practice to get used to these array methods. But at the end of the day, it was all worth it. Our tutor made sure that we understood the concepts thoroughly. He made us feel comfortable in asking any doubts at any time.

To put our theoretical knowledge to practice, we got assignments regularly. The following JS tasks were assigned to us on Week 5:

We had our Final Design Presentation the next day. We had 5 minutes for the presentation and another 5 minutes were dedicated to Q&A. I was nervous and excited at the same time. The presentation was held individually and our tutor provided us with some feedback and encouraged us to continue trying new design ideas.

Final Design Assignment: Code Demo

We concluded the week by starting the topic DOM Manipulation where we used JavaScript to manipulate the DOM by accessing and changing all elements of the HTML Document. It was indeed an interesting topic, and we got our first DOM manipulation assignment( Password Toggle ) on the same day.

Toggle Off

Toggle On

Password Toggle Assignment: Code Demo

The past month of this fellowship has given me an amazing lifetime experience. I can see a remarkable difference in my personal growth. All thanks to the Code Like Her Team, who invested their valuable time to provide the technical and mental support needed to compete in the software industry. I have developed the habit of doing research, prioritizing my tasks, and managing my time efficiently.

In this short interval of time, I have developed a genuine friendship with my colleagues. Along with helping each other with technical difficulties, we share ideas, experiences, struggles without the fear of being judged.

I want to express my gratitude to the Code Rush Team for believing in me and providing me with such a prodigious platform to sharpen my technical, leadership, and management skills. In the upcoming days, I hope to learn as much as possible and implement my knowledge for a good cause.

Riya Maharjan is a student at Amrit Science Campus and currently pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Technology. She is interested in web development and is currently exploring UI/ UX desiging field.

