BTS D3.js Lesson #4 — Statistics Chart Setup

Craig Oda
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2018

Set up structure to plot data on all 7 BTS band members

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Add in the new code below the form in the top portion of the application.

Create the HTML code for the structure below.

  • create the <svg> element inside of the HTML, below the <h1> tag. assign an id of chart to the <svg> element
  • input type is “radio”
  • name = “stats”
  • value=”weight” or “height”
  • class=”statsButton”
<h1 id="statsTitle"> Member Information</h1>
<svg id='chart'></svg>
<input type="radio" name="stats" value="height" class="statsButton">
<input type="radio" name="stats" value="weight" class="statsButton">

In the inspector, note that you have two SVG viewports and two forms.


create a constant called chartSettings. Assign it to an object (curly brackets). Parameters and values are below. Note that margin is an object inside of an object.

const chartSettings = {
width: 600,
height: 300,
imageSize: 60,
idHtml: '#chart', margin: {left: 100, right: 50, top: 50, bottom: 50}};
  • Read in data file
  • Print out data to console
d3.csv(…).then(variable name){ …code..}
// read in data from file
d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then(data => {


create a class called, BtsChart.

create a method called, changeStats)

Test chartClass.js from drawChart.js

  1. create a new object chart from the class BtsChart
  2. print out chart.width
  3. print out chart.height
d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then(data => {
const chart = new BtsChart(chartSettings, data);
// tests

Grab button change information

create a constant buttons to hold the selectAll results from selecting the HTML buttons of class .statsButtons

const statsButtons = d3.selectAll(".statsButton");
  1. on change of statsButtons, run an anonymous function
  2. in the anonymous function, assign a constant statsSelection to this.value
  3. run chart.changeStats(…)
// read in data from file
d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then(data => {
const chart = new BtsChart(chartSettings, data);
const statsButtons = d3.selectAll(".statsButton");
statsButtons.on('change', function(d) {
const statsSelection = this.value;

modify changeStats in chartClass.js

go back to chartClass.js

modify the console.log to print out the selection. See the example below.

changeStats(selection) {
console.log(`changing stats to ${selection}`);


You’ve finished lesson #4 and are on your way to mastering charting with D3.js.



Craig Oda

open source advocate, writer, Flutter developer, father, husband, fly fisherman, surfer