Go to UNIKOM Codelabs
UNIKOM Codelabs
Codelabs is a division of digital experts. We created an application to help the people. And we’re from Indonesia Computer University.
Note from the editor

Codelabs is a division of digital experts. We created an application to help the people. And we’re from Indonesia Computer University.

Go to the profile of Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Director of Technology and Information System, CEO of CodeLabs and Lecturer at Informatics Engineering UNIKOM
Go to the profile of Codelabs Unikom
Go to the profile of Reymunda Dwi Alfathur
Go to the profile of Mochamad Rafy Ardhanie
Go to the profile of haul
Go to the profile of Ramdhan Rizki
Ramdhan Rizki
Hi my name is Ramdhan, i’am Web Programmer | I love Coffee so much and doing code.
Go to the profile of Tioreza Febrian
Tioreza Febrian
Go to the profile of And Dauliqueca
Go to the profile of Cahyanto Setya Budi
Go to the profile of Fitri Febriana
Go to the profile of Andri R Herdiansyah
Andri R Herdiansyah
UI Designer, Love designing digital product with Human Centered Design approach | https://dribbble.com/andri_rh
Go to the profile of berry baltschun
Go to the profile of faisal ishak
Go to the profile of rakhmat sabarudin
Go to the profile of Fikri Adriansa Yudha
Fikri Adriansa Yudha
Product Designer | Photography Enthusiast | Home-Chef
Go to the profile of DIKI SUPRIADI
Python Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Herdita Permana
Go to the profile of Muhammad Naufal
Muhammad Naufal
Frontend Developer
Go to the profile of Lukmannudin
Android Engineer at Luno
Go to the profile of Biekaeksa Nur Avunta Agung Prasetya
Go to the profile of Daniyal Ahmad Rizaldhi
Go to the profile of Adam Ibrahim Aji
Go to the profile of Rizal Yogi Pratama
Rizal Yogi Pratama
Backend Developer & Fulltime Superheroes. Living the day by Writing Code, Photography, Chocolates, and Fighting the Super Villain.
Go to the profile of husni rofiq
Go to the profile of TEGUH SISWANTO
Onok kupat kecemplung neng jero santen, menawi lepat kawulo nyuwun ngapunten
Go to the profile of Azis Naufal
Azis Naufal
Mobile Engineer — Android , Backend Engineer — Laravel/Lumen
Go to the profile of Aria Krisna Murti
Aria Krisna Murti
Mahasiswa Program Studi Sistem Informasi
Go to the profile of Arif Luthfi
Go to the profile of izzudin wijaya
Go to the profile of Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus
To be better than yesterday
Go to the profile of Ivan “Cathean”
Go to the profile of Vania Yulianti Mozef
Vania Yulianti Mozef
Mahasiswi Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of Benno Alif
Benno Alif
Backend Engineer @ Roxi.Earth
Go to the profile of Siti Alawiah
Siti Alawiah
Mahasiswi Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of Mirza My Humayung
Mirza My Humayung
Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
Go to the profile of Bintang Farhandika Editya
Go to the profile of Dimas Miftahul Huda
Dimas Miftahul Huda
Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia.
Go to the profile of Rivaldi Palermo
Go to the profile of Farhan Rafly Fahrezi Saepulloh
Farhan Rafly Fahrezi Saepulloh
Frontend Web Developers — ReactJS, NextJs and GatsbyJs. I’m a Informatics Engineering Student.
Go to the profile of Enrico Anderson
Enrico Anderson
Teknik Informatika — Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of Auliya Ambar Sucipta
Go to the profile of Rifki Permana
Go to the profile of Riyanda
Go to the profile of Andi Firmansyah
Andi Firmansyah
Student of Computer Engineering at Indonesian Computer University and interest to Internet of Things.
Go to the profile of Milzan Malik
Milzan Malik
Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of ADITYA FIRMANSYAH
Go to the profile of Wildan Muhammad Fikri
Go to the profile of Muhammad Rakha Firdaus
Go to the profile of Ahmadshofihasibuan
Go to the profile of M Galih Prasetya
Go to the profile of Daffa Albari
Go to the profile of Dwi Pujining Tyas
Go to the profile of Fajar Buana Hidayat
Go to the profile of Arsy Opraza
Arsy Opraza
Software Engineer, Writer. arsyopraza.com
Go to the profile of Abdurrazak Syakir
Go to the profile of Juliadit Syahputra
Juliadit Syahputra
Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of Yohana Sri Rejeki
Yohana Sri Rejeki
Data Engineer at Tritronik | Love to write, learn, and share knowledge about technical things, especially in data area | Lifelong-Learner |
Go to the profile of Adil Maulana
Go to the profile of haul
Go to the profile of Muhammad Jafar Shidik
Go to the profile of Rahman Insani
Rahman Insani
Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Go to the profile of Risha Amara
Go to the profile of MUHAMMAD RAFI
Go to the profile of Yolandaoctaviane
Go to the profile of Reymunda Dwi Alfathur
Go to the profile of Mochamad Rafy Ardhanie
Go to the profile of Achmad
Go to the profile of Maulana Adil