A Week In the Life of a Software Engineering Intern: Best Summer Ever!

“I can, without a doubt, say that the summer of 2017 was the best summer of my life.”

2 min readSep 14, 2017


This summer, I have grown and experienced so much as both a programmer and an individual. As a programmer, I’m much more comfortable in Java and I definitely have a better understanding of how to create production quality code with unit tests. As an individual, I now know what it’s like to have my own apartment and how to be an adult.

My big programming project for the summer was working on Zillow’s back-end tech stack. I used Java the whole summer, which I thought I already knew a lot about. But as it turned out, I still had a lot to learn because enterprise software uses many different aspects of Java that is different from what we learn in school.

Even though I was learning a lot of new things, I was still able to complete my project by the end of my internship and demo it for everyone in the company. Believe it or not, you may soon be able to actually see what I spent my summer working on while at Zillow.

During the last three weeks of my internship, Zillow’s housing company for interns moved me to a luxury apartment, near the Facebook HQ. This apartment had all the bells and whistles you could think of. However, when I found myself having to clean dishes using the dishwasher, I ended up having to take a crash course in adulting.

All in all, I had a great summer! I met great people, had a high-impact project, learned how to be an adult, and best of all, I had a ton of fun!

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