Go to Codesmith Student Blog
Codesmith Student Blog
Read some of the blog posts students have written during their time at Codesmith and beyond!
Note from the editor

Read some of the blog posts students have written during their time at Codesmith and beyond!

Go to the profile of Codesmith
Teaching Full-stack JavaScript Software Engineering and Machine Learning in Los Angeles, New York City, and Online
Go to the profile of Will Sentance
Will Sentance
CEO, Codesmith
Go to the profile of Victoria Leon
Go to the profile of David Petri
Go to the profile of Victoria Leon
Go to the profile of Rico Moorer
Rico Moorer
That DJ from Alabama with the afro.
Go to the profile of Joshua David
Go to the profile of Susan Tashiro
Susan Tashiro
Student at Codesmith
Go to the profile of Matthew Lee
Go to the profile of William Gottschalk
William Gottschalk
I’m a fullstack software engineer at Originate. Currently living in Los Angeles, CA. linkedin.com/in/willgottschalk