3 Simple Custom React Hooks for Mastering Modal Management

Andrew Richard
Published in
7 min readApr 26, 2024

Unlock the full potential of React with powerful custom hooks that streamline modal management.

With React Hooks, it’s like having your cake and eating it too.


Unleash the Power of Seamless Modal Management

Every React developer seeks to create interfaces that are not only functional but also intuitive and responsive. Modal management, often a source of clutter and complexity, can be simplified into a streamlined and declarative process with hooks.

In this article, we will dive into three custom React hooks — `useModalManager`, `useClickOutside`, and `useModal` — that epitomize the hook philosophy. These tools encapsulate intricate behaviors in reusable, composable functions, allowing you to integrate sophisticated UI management into your projects with unparalleled ease.

Managing Multiple Modals with Ease

Effortlessly Juggle Multiple Modals with `useModalManager`

When your application requires multiple modals, managing their state without clutter can be cumbersome. Implementing this useModalManager hook provides a streamlined approach to handle multiple modals through a single interface.

import { useState } from ‘react’;

export const useModalManager = () => {
const [currentModal, setCurrentModal] = useState(null);

const openModal = (modalName) => setCurrentModal(modalName);
const closeModal = () => setCurrentModal(null);

const toggleModal = (modalName) => {
if (currentModal === modalName) {
} else {

return { openModal, closeModal, toggleModal, currentModal };

How it works:

  • useState: Manages the state of the currently open modal.
  • openModal: Sets the current modal to the specified name.
  • closeModal: Resets the current modal to null.
  • toggleModal: Checks if the specified modal is open; if so, it closes it, otherwise, it opens it.

Example Use Case:

import { useModalManager } from '~/hooks/useModalManager';

const ModalComponent = ({ title, onClose }) => (
<button onClick={onClose}>Close</button>

function MyComponent() {
const { openModal, closeModal, currentModal } = useModalManager();

return (
<button onClick={() => openModal('loginModal')}>Open Login Modal</button>
<button onClick={() => openModal('signupModal')}>Open Signup Modal</button>

{currentModal === 'loginModal' && (
onClose={() => closeModal()}

{currentModal === 'signupModal' && (
onClose={() => closeModal()}

export default MyComponent;

In this example, we showcase the power of this custom hook — managing multiple modals within a single component. The hook provides openModal, closeModal, and currentModal properties, which are destructured inside the component to control the two modals.

The component renders buttons for opening the “loginModal” and “signupModal”. Clicking a button invokes the openModal function with the corresponding modal name, setting the currentModal state in the useModalManager hook. Conditional rendering using the logical AND (&&) operator then displays the appropriate modal based on the value of currentModal.

By leveraging the useModalManager hook, we simplify the management of multiple modals, as the component focuses on rendering modals and triggering the appropriate functions provided by the hook. This approach encapsulates the modal management logic, making the component more readable, maintainable, and reusable across different components in the application.

Enhancing UX with Outside Click Detection

Supercharge Your User Experience with `useClickOutside`

This hook enhances user experience by allowing you to detect and react to clicks outside a specified element, perfect for closing modals, dropdowns, or resetting states when the user interacts with the rest of your application.

import { useEffect } from 'react';

export function useClickOutside(ref, callback) {
useEffect(() => {
const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
if (!ref.current || ref.current.contains(event.target)) {

document.addEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleClickOutside);

return () => {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleClickOutside);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleClickOutside);
}, [ref, callback]);

The hook takes a ref (reference) to the target element and a callback function as parameters. It uses the useEffect hook to add ‘mousedown’ and ‘touchstart’ event listeners on the document for functionality on both computers and mobile devices. When a click or touch event occurs outside the target element, the callback function is invoked, allowing you to handle the event accordingly.

The useClickOutside hook provides a clean and reusable solution for handling outside click interactions, making it easy to incorporate this functionality into various components throughout your application.

Simplified Modal Management

Streamline Your Modal Workflow with `useModal`

For developers looking for a straightforward solution to open and close a single modal, useModal offers a refined approach using minimal code.

import { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { useClickOutside } from './useClickOutside';

export const useModal = () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const modalRef = useRef(null);

const openModal = () => setIsOpen(true);
const closeModal = () => setIsOpen(false);

useClickOutside(modalRef, () => {
if (isOpen) {

return { isOpen, openModal, closeModal, modalRef };

How it works:

  • useState: This manages whether the modal is open or closed.
  • useRef: Provides a reference to the modal element, crucial for detecting clicks outside of it.
  • useClickOutside: This hook is integrated to automatically close the modal if a click is detected outside its bounds, enhancing user interaction.

Example Implementation:

This setup is ideal for applications where modals need quick and easy toggling while maintaining focus management and closing behavior that respects user interactions outside the modal area. Simply import the useModal hook, destructure its methods, and follow this template to control the logic of any single modal with ease.

import { useModal } from `~/hooks/useModal`;

const { isOpen, openModal, closeModal, modalRef } = useModal();

return (
<button onClick={openModal}>Open Modal</button>
{isOpen && (
<div ref={modalRef} className="modal">
<div>Modal content goes here.</div>
<button onClick={closeModal}>Close</button>


In this article, we explored three custom React hooks — useModalManager, useClickOutside, and useModal — that all provide unique solutions to simplify modal management and enhance user experience in your applications.

  • Use useModalManager when you need to manage multiple modals within a single component. This hook streamlines the process of opening, closing, and toggling modals, making your component more readable and maintainable.
  • Implement useClickOutside to detect clicks outside a specified element and respond accordingly. This hook is particularly useful for closing modals, dropdowns, or resetting states when the user interacts with other parts of your application, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Leverage useModal for a straightforward solution to manage a single modal. This hook combines the power of useClickOutside with simple state management, providing a clean and efficient way to control modal visibility and behavior.

By combining these hooks, you can create your very own robust and flexible modal management system that caters to various requirements of modern web applications. Whether you need to handle multiple modals, detect outside clicks, or simply open and close a single modal, these custom hooks have you covered. Try integrating these hooks into your projects and see the immediate benefits in code maintainability and user engagement. Let me know your favorite solutions for modal management in the comments.

Congratulations, you’re now officially a certified modal management machine!

Bonus: Streamlining React Modals with the HTML <dialog> Tag

Looking to sidestep the hook hoopla and harness the power of pure HTML? The <dialog> tag might just be your new best friend in React modal management. This neat addition to the HTML specification allows for the effortless positioning and handling of modals, cutting down on the JavaScript gymnastics. It’s a straightforward, elegant solution that taps into HTML’s innate prowess, minimizing the need for state management shenanigans and keeping your component code clean and lean.

Why Use the <dialog> Tag in React?

Using the <dialog> tag allows you to utilize native web features to handle modal dialogs, minimizing the need for complex React state management and additional libraries. This tag supports methods like showModal() and close(), providing an even more straightforward way to control modal visibility directly through the DOM.

React Component Example Using <dialog>:

import React, { useRef } from 'react';

const ModalComponent = () => {
const dialogRef = useRef(null);

const handleOpenModal = () => {

const handleCloseModal = () => {

return (
<button onClick={handleOpenModal}>Open Modal</button>
<dialog ref={dialogRef} className="modal-dialog">
<h1>Modal Content Here</h1>
<button onClick={handleCloseModal}>Close</button>

export default ModalComponent;

This approach showcases how integrating native HTML5 elements like <dialog> can simplify React component implementations, providing a cleaner, more efficient method for handling modals. It’s a perfect example of how modern web standards can be harmoniously integrated with React to enhance functionality and streamline development.

Key Features:

  • useRef: Utilizes React’s useRef to provide a reference to the <dialog> element, enabling direct manipulation of the modal’s DOM node.
  • Native Methods: Uses showModal() to open the modal and close() to close it, leveraging the dialog’s native API.
  • No State Management: Eliminates the need for state management to control the visibility of the modal, thus simplifying the component.


  • Simplicity: Reduces the complexity of your component by removing state hooks and relying on native HTML functionality.
  • Performance: Potentially improves performance by minimizing re-renders caused by state changes in React.
  • Accessibility: The <dialog> tag handles focus management automatically, enhancing accessibility without extra effort.
  • Zero CSS Overhead: The <dialog> tag includes default browser styling, eliminating the need for initial CSS setup. That’s right, no more struggle with centering your modal on top of the rest of your content and only worry about the styling to match your component with the rest of your front end.


  • Browser Support: Although widely supported in modern browsers, the <dialog> tag may not be fully compatible with older browsers, such as Internet Explorer. Consider using polyfills or alternative approaches for broader compatibility.
  • Limited Customization: While the default browser styling is convenient, it may not offer the level of customization provided by custom modal implementations. Developers requiring highly tailored modals may find the default styling restrictive.
  • Accessibility Concerns: While the <dialog> tag includes built-in accessibility features, such as focus management, it’s essential to ensure compatibility with assistive technologies and adhere to accessibility best practices when using this element.
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Call to Action

Feel free to adapt the code examples provided and use them in your own projects. If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you’ve implemented these hooks in an interesting way, share your thoughts in the comments below. Let me know if I should make another article going more in depth on the using the <dialog> tag or incorporating any other new JavaScript features with React.

Happy coding.

CONTINUE READING: Unleash the Documentation: Supercharge Your JavaScript with JSDoc by Andrew Richard [CodeX]

