Better JS DOM Building With DOM-JON — Part 3 : The State Object

Jason Knight
Published in
25 min readApr 24, 2024


This time right out of the gate I’m going to jump right to the money shot with the current beta release and some examples. It’s a beta because it’s now “feature complete”. Everything I wanted in it for “base functionality” is now present and seems to work. Now for the joys of reliability testing.

Here’s a link to the current beta release.

And a minified copy is here:

The minification is a simple whitespace strip because a lot of the more modern JS techniques/methods, as well as my own methodology seems to be incompatible with most existing “fancy” minification. When simply removing unnecessary whitespace results in a library that min + gzipped is under 5k? I’m ok with that.

Comedy gold is that Google’s “Closure Compiler” by removing “unnecessary” curly brackets actually screws over the “let/const to replace IIFE” technique! Even in their so-called “whitespace only” setting… that strips and changes a whole slew of shit that isn’t whitespace. Talk about “try hard”.

Anyhow I don’t know about you folks, but I learn better from examples.

Example #1, Simple State Monitoring



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse