Docker Distroless Space Suit

Tanvir Shahid
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2021


Synopsis: If you read this post then by now you probably know that containers are like a chocolate box and a single docker image is like a chocolate. Typically, a single docker container contains following:

  1. Linux distribution files (Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, etc.)
  2. Runtime (Golang, Php, Python runtime, glibc for C++)
  3. Application codes or binaries and configuration files

Furthermore, it also contains ls, grep, find, cator even bash in the container. You can login to your docker container as root using this…



Tanvir Shahid

🦾 Startup mechanic, 💻 Coder, 🧔🏻Techaholic, ₿ Crypto enthusiast, 🍣 Sushi, System architect @ |