Flutter vs. React Native: Which to Choose for Cross-Platform Development?

Zealous System
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2023

Among the sea of options available, two front-runners have emerged as the most popular choices: Flutter and React Native. Both frameworks have garnered a massive following and are backed by tech giants like Google and Facebook, respectively. But when it comes to deciding which one is best suited for your project, the pile of information can be overwhelming.

Fear not! In this read, we’ll take you on a delightful journey through the world of Flutter and React Native, highlighting their key features, advantages, and use cases. Whether you’re an experienced developer seeking to switch technologies or a newcomer embarking on your app development journey, we’ll break down the comparisons into simple, bite-sized pieces of information.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the world of Flutter and React Native to help you make an informed decision for your cross-platform development journey!

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a versatile and powerful open-source UI software development kit (SDK) created by Google. It enables developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

With Flutter’s rich set of widgets and reactive framework, it empowers developers to craft stunning, smooth, and fast user interfaces that run flawlessly across multiple platforms.

What is React Native?

React Native, a popular open-source mobile application framework by Facebook, lets developers build cross-platform apps using JavaScript and React. By using a single codebase, React Native enables efficient development for both iOS and Android platforms, offering a compelling balance between native performance and code reusability.

React Native grants developers the flexibility to create engaging and user-friendly mobile apps, using the power of a vast React community and third-party libraries.

React Native vs. Flutter: Comparison

Programming Language:

React Native: Utilizes JavaScript, a widely-used and well-established language. Its large talent pool and extensive libraries contribute to faster development cycles and easier maintenance.

Flutter: Relies on Dart, a language developed by Google specifically for Flutter. While less widespread than JavaScript, Dart is easy to learn and offers a reactive and streamlined development experience.


React Native: Follows a bridge architecture, where JavaScript code communicates with native modules through a bridge. This can sometimes lead to performance bottlenecks in complex apps.

Flutter: Employs a reactive framework, where everything is a widget. This eliminates the need for a bridge, resulting in smoother performance and enhanced UI responsiveness.

Installation and Initial Configuration:

React Native: Quick setup, especially if you’re already familiar with JavaScript development. Requires Node.js and the React Native CLI.

Flutter: Also offers a straightforward installation process but might take a little longer if you’re new to Dart development. Requires the Flutter SDK and Android Studio/Xcode for the respective platform development.

Development Tools and Documentation:

React Native: Strong ecosystem with numerous third-party libraries and tools like Redux and Expo. The official documentation is extensive and frequently updated, making it beginner-friendly.

Flutter: Provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets and layouts, known as the Flutter Widgets, which can expedite UI development. The official documentation is well-maintained and accompanied by various resources like FlutterDev YouTube channel and Flutter Weekly newsletter.

User Interface:

React Native: Delivers a native feel with the help of native components, but some intricate UI elements might require custom native modules.

Flutter: Offers a consistent and customizable UI experience on both Android and iOS since it doesn’t rely on native components. The “hot reload” feature boosts productivity during UI development.

Developers’ Productivity:

React Native: Enables code reusability between platforms, allowing developers to write a single codebase for both Android and iOS. A vast community and frequent updates enhance developer productivity.

Flutter: Also promotes code reusability and consistency across platforms, streamlining the development process. The hot reload feature greatly enhances developers’ productivity during debugging and UI tweaking.

Community Support:

React Native: Benefits from a mature and widespread community, which translates to extensive third-party library support and a wide range of plugins.

Flutter: Although a relatively newer framework, Flutter has quickly gained popularity. The community is growing rapidly, and with the backing of Google, it is well-supported and continually expanding.

CI/CD Support:

React Native: Integrates smoothly with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and Bitrise, allowing seamless automation for testing and deployment.

Flutter: Similarly supports CI/CD pipelines through platforms like Codemagic, which offers easy setup for continuous integration and delivery.

Hence, answering the question of the hour:

Is Flutter better than React Native?

After a thorough comparison between Flutter and React Native, it becomes clear that both frameworks have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Flutter’s exceptional performance and expressive UI capabilities make it an excellent choice for creating visually stunning and smooth mobile applications. Its hot reload feature significantly speeds up the development process, allowing developers to see changes instantly. On the other hand, React Native boasts a larger community and a vast collection of third-party libraries, offering more flexibility and support for diverse projects.

Ultimately, the decision between Flutter and React Native should be based on your specific project requirements and team expertise.

If your focus is on delivering a highly polished user experience and performance is a top priority, Flutter might be the way to go. However, if you prefer leveraging a well-established community and ecosystem with great community contributions, React Native might suit your needs better.

Regardless of your choice, both frameworks have proven to be powerful tools for mobile app development, and with the ever-evolving landscape of technology, each brings its advantages to the table.

So, whether you flutter or sway with React Native, rest assured that you can build exceptional mobile apps that will delight your users and achieve your development goals. But before that, do your own thorough research and go for an experienced flutter app development company to get your app developed just the way you want.



Zealous System
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Zealous System is a trusted software development company providing custom web, mobile application development services. | www.zealousys.com