The /FAIL/ Of Tailwind, The Go-To For The Ignorant

Jason Knight
Published in
20 min readAug 18, 2022


Thomas Dimnet wrote a piece entitled “The Rise and Fall of Bootstrap” where he tries to upsell Failwind as if it’s somehow magically better than bootcrap, instead of just doubling down on the mind-numbing stupidity and ignorance of presentational classes. And once again replying to an article got so large, I thought it warranted its own.

Now as always I don’t mean ignorant as an insult. It just means you don’t know any better. The problem is the sheer level of STUPID that goes into the creation of frameworks, that results in the need for every possible insult in the book.

My distaste for frameworks is far beyond well documented, and normally I’d let a fluff piece of hurr-durrz eye cans haz teh intarwebs crap like that article fly… but what really got on my nerves was the trash vanilla examples used. They unquestionably showed that the author of said examples does not — as I keep saying about framework users — know enough HTML to be writing a blasted line of the stuff!

Every single thing wrong with failwind, bootcrap, and even the vanilla version demonstrates the junk broken failure to understand HTML common to framework developers. I could go on for a while, but to cut to the chase I’m going to use the vanilla version of the little “competition” he links to at the end.



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse