December 2015

Codex Vitae migration to Wordpress system, starting human happiness blog

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
4 min readDec 27, 2015


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On My Body Fitness

Got some muscle addition (chest, back, leg). My belly flattened a bit.

Body weight : 59 kg

On My Financial Life

Agile Training Business

18th December, I pitched Nuris Akbar to join force with me. I laid down the future possibilities. For short-term goal, I asked him to commit to blog about modern engineering practice at

I was so glad he said okay. Why? Because we have some similarities: job-quitting-for-solo-career, pragmatic business orientation, but with idealism as the core. He really eager to build Aceh. I always proud with all my Acehnese friend — -my friends from every other tribe should follow their passion to improve their tribe.

I pointed my writing (Why Indonesia Might Shouldn’t Be Independent) and said this to Nuris, “We should all seek to be powerful, because inequality, is the mother of injusticeness”.

On My Experiment

Human Happiness Blog

This month, I also started my new experiment ( ). I always love to read and write on human happiness, and have been wondering about a specific blog on that topic — -there isn’t any the pro one with Bahasa Indonesia.

I think it’s a good time to finally start it — -even tough the writing pace would be slow due to my focus on agile training business. Here the reasons:

  1. My recent broken heart experience is a good momentum.
  2. If I want to preach that agile coach or scrum master should master the knowledge of human happiness, I must show what is that in tangible way.

Codex Vitae

It’s the time to improve this experiment. It has two unrelated reasons:

  1. It’s been a year! I’ve been doing this experiment alone. It’s time to build Codex Vitae group.
  2. I think it can boost my personal branding for my agile training business. Yeah, I mentioned Codex Vitae in my agile book — -yes, it’s a good opportunity to boost the business I want to focus at.

To be honest, this month is my worst month in recording my own Codex Vitae. Maybe due to my broken heart last month.

But I successfully transformed the website (from Mediawiki to Wordpress) this month. Still productive!

Group Codex Vitae

26th December night, at McD Gading Serpong, I pitched my two sisters Codex Vitae. I asked them to write it.

To help her write it, we setted-up a weekly support group.

At 27th December, my sister Annisa said that my beliefs section is too abstract for her. The following day, at Bandung, I re-write my belief section.


17th — Jimmy Brainstorm his New Business Idea

While I was working on my Codex Vitae, Jimmy appeared and asked my time. He consulted about his friend’s attempt to study Scrum. The discussion then moved on his interesting training business idea.

I said I’d love the idea. Even I can imagine my self being the trainer 10 or 20 years later. But I want to focus on securing my financial life via my agile training business first.

18th — BDV Birthday!

This day was a big day for BDV. It was their 4th birthday, and their first birthday party.

I sang two song there: Selamat Ulang Tahun by Jamrud and More Than Words by Extreme.

I sang passionately with Kun, my partner from ‘Terong’ project, and my special mate for crazy stuff.

18th — Nuris Pitch on

In the midst of BDV crowded event, I asked Nuris for a 4 eyes intimate talk on meeting room.

Read the following detail on Summaries above.

24th — Meetup with Nanda

I went to Depok from Tangerang to meet this man. After the friday prayer, we sat down near UI lake. There are two stuffs I talked to him. I couldn’t share it here.

24th — Short Meetup with Imam & Ruli

Then, I thought I could still attend Sony’s wedding. I bought the collective present from Sony’s dorm friend — -I live there for more than one year. Turned out, I couldn’t make it on time.

So, I met Imam & Ruli to hand over the present I bought. We ended up having an usual reunion discussion at Pecel Lele Lela Margonda.

24th — Bromance with Ardi

Then, I went to Ardi place. We spent some heart-warming talks as usual. This night we had a ping-pong match. He beat me in two set — -though I held him with 4 times deuces on the last set. B-)

I also borrowed his Pressman Software Engineering book. And went back to Tangerang tomorrow morning.

26th — 1st Codex Vitae Group (Rizky-Annisa-Putri)

After done with Mediawiki to Wordpress migration, I started to imagine Codex Vitae Group. It’s a bit like

Read the following detail on Summaries above.

28th — Found ERK’s Kuning

Kuning is a song from ERK’s new album: Sinestesia. It is really deep, haunting, but interestingly peaceful. You can hear and read the lyrics here.

29th — Done with Codex Vitae Transformation

It’s a warp! This morning I showed my Codex Vitae to Indra and Saska of Inovide. Also Asyraf — -he was with me when I brainstormed and bought codexvitae domain. Also Rahmat & Kun from ‘Terong’ experiment. Also Nuris from

