June 2015

Using my MVP, Start of Indigo Incubator 2015

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
3 min readDec 1, 2015


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On My Listing-2.0 Startup

Coded the very-very MVP version, used it on my first training at Fasilkom.

Actually the preparation of the first training was quite fast and magical. :D

On My Agile Coaching Career

Back to Bandung, the start of Indigo Incubator 2015.

Goal :

  • Agile Campus Training System is feasible to use [succeed]

Learning :

  • Lobbying is a precious skill. It quite simple actually, be brave and clear in saying what you want. While always maintain a friendship or friendliness.

Moments :

  • 1st: So sad. I felt so sad and angry with this condition. :( Need to get out of it ASAP. Need someone to tell me to be patient.
  • 2nd: Quality time with my dad alone. We swim together. He teach me how to swim properly. After that, he teach me how to drive a car. He sells newspaper on street, so he stills work at weekend. This vesak holiday give us a time together. I will always remember this day. :’-)
  • 11th: Went from Tangerang to my campus at Depok. Next week I’d start to work on site on my client in Bandung. It’d be for a couple of months. So, it’d be nice if I finish my Agile Campus lobbying initiatives while I was in Jakarta. The meeting with the dean went well. I delivered my promise to give her my book back then. And we talked about Agile Campus. In the evening I had meeting with Ristek. It went well also. They gave positive feedback about my plan for us to co-host training in the future. More over, they reminded me something I miss. This month is the last month before graduation. It mean I gotta do the training this month before the graduate leave campus and go to industry. The problem is, I can’t prepare the logistic because physically will be stucked in Bandung. Neither can Ristek, since they’re pretty busy. It’s time to use my brain and lobbying skill for the couple of days ahead.
  • 14th: In the middle of my travel to Bandung, I had a near death experience. I’m quite surprise with how calm I was. The accident gave me some new friends though (some funny middle-aged mothers) & experience to salat in front of the river and beside the street.
  • 15th: Watching Game of Thrones season 7 finale on Bandung with Asyraf. Jon Snow was dead and I got that spoiled before. Damn I hate it. Decrease my emotional roller-coaster.
  • 16th: Code re-captcha for Agile Campus certificate. New technology for me. Love the learning.
  • 19th: Wrote one of my beautiful posts in my whole life.
  • 26th: Quite upset because I couldn’t convincing anyone from industry to pay for the training tomorrow. Well, I don’t really sell it actually. Just one person who I also prospected to be trainer. A part of me want this first training is full-for-college student.
  • 27th: Done my first training for Agile Campus. Thanks to my friends: Fatia and Wildan. They help me with the logistic. Oh I love to conduct a training. It was so refreshing, especially after being hermit code something. Dilemma of an extroverted coder. Turned out, it was good that there were no paid trainee here. My certification problems are far too hard. Need to re-adjust it. Trial and error was my daily job. Went back home, as usual have a late night talk with my mom. Told her how happy I am with my first training that day. Told her my next business maneuvers.
  • 28th: Playing music with my sisters. They played violin and cello, I played guitar. The song is Viva La Vida.

