Go to Coffee ‘n Skate
Coffee ‘n Skate
SkateX is a free-to-play extreme sports MMO video game that uses blockchain so players can truly own their digital gear. SkateX boards, streetwear and more are NFTs that are actually used in the game.
Note from the editor

SkateX is a free-to-play extreme sports MMO video game that uses blockchain so players can truly own their digital gear. SkateX boards, streetwear and more are NFTs that are actually used in the game.

Go to the profile of SkateX
SkateX is a free-to-play extreme sports MMO video game that uses blockchain so players can truly own their digital gear.
Go to the profile of Ben Topkins
Ben Topkins
Ten years in game development and publishing. Worked and consulted for top companies in the space: Kabam, Supercell, Roblox, Elex, The Drone Racing League, and
Go to the profile of Curtis Chiu
Go to the profile of Logan Sharp
Go to the profile of Ryan Leach
Go to the profile of MK
Go to the profile of Curtis Chiu
Go to the profile of Ben Topkins
Ben Topkins
Ten years in game development and publishing. Worked and consulted for top companies in the space: Kabam, Supercell, Roblox, Elex, The Drone Racing League, and
Go to the profile of Ryan Leach
Go to the profile of MK
Go to the profile of Justin Miller