Coffee Shop Observations: #2

No coffee shop…and no coffee

Alex Tzinov
Coffee Shop Observations
2 min readOct 14, 2022


I cut out caffeine yesterday. Currently riding on 48 hours, or the equivalent of two consecutive mornings, without coffee. Prior to “The Day” I cut out caffeine, I had some form of caffeine every single day, primarily coffee, and often times would enjoy a second or third form throughout the rest of the day. The neighborhood coffee shop was an absolute favorite, and my daily go-to there was a 16oz cold brew, a drink capable of sending me into a frenzy of focus and productivity unparalleled by anything else.

I quit for a number of reasons. Michael Pollan’s book This is Your Mind On Plants presented our culturally accepted addiction to caffeine in a way I had never seen before, and I found it fascinating. Sleep has for a long time been what I consider my superpower — the positive habit that trumps all other habits — and improving it is always something I strive for. Changing up routines and aspects of my life on a whim is what keeps life fun for me, so cutting out coffee and weening off caffeine sounded interesting. My recent journeys through spiritual purgatories and mental health have seemingly increased my anxiety, and 3 double espressos throughout the day surely can’t be helping. Smoothing out the productivity curve throughout the day so that I’m not a feral animal threatening to light their keyboard on fire from typing in the morning and then a reclusive sloth in the afternoon that doom-scrolls and perpetually debates the “nap vs. 2nd coffee” question. That’s about it.

I’m sitting here sipping the remains of my Lions Mane tea, denying but knowing that if the full cup so far hasn’t triggered that craved feeling of focus, these last 7 drops surely won’t. But I still have hope.

I miss coffee. I miss focus. I miss being a feral animal in the morning. I miss writing posts that don’t suck. I suppose that’s all we have time for so far

