A product person primer: unpacking our discipline in 50 links

Caspar Below
Coffee & Sticky Notes
5 min readApr 17, 2021

Since about 2010 I’ve been in and out of various roles that had product in their title, and many that didn’t but should have!

To me product people are those most heavily invested in the what question of what teams are spending their time on, and also the why question — the rationale of prioritisation and opportunity selection, balancing business value and user value for your organisation.


If you just want to keep it simple and you are new to product, try reading Pichler’s Strategize. If you want to keep it simple, but you’ve worked in product for a while, try John Cutler’s The Beautiful Mess 2020 and 8 Ways to Focus your Product Team on Impact, Not Features .

Types of product person

There are many different types of product managers or product owners. There is a sliding scale between being embedded with business functions and your day-to-day involvement with the team. It all depends on the size, structure and ways of working of the organisation. Product people have different job titles, with overlapping as well as contradictory definitions. There are also many commonalities, and to focus on those I’m trying to stick to the term product person or product people.

Becoming a product person

I’m a big fan and supporter of people who move into product from other disciplines and bring those perspectives and skills with them. Starting out in product is quite hard. Most people start in a different discipline and then transition, although some lucky people are native product people. Even harder than getting started is keeping up and staying relevant and good at your job, so I’m sharing a list of links below that may help you if you’re trying to figure out what type of product person you are and want to be.

This list

I started the list of books, videos, diagrams, blog posts and articles some years ago, when I started a product community of practice. Recently a friend asked me to share it, so I updated it a little and structured it to make it more accessible. Suggestions for updates are welcome, but please provide context and tell us why it should be included.

Defining product practice

On the difference between product owner and product manager

On becoming a product manager

On product person maturity

On product design

On prioritisation and decision making

On ideas and innovation

On building long-term planning and goal-oriented roadmaps

On problems with roadmaps

On metrics and how to use them

On users and customers

On building a product team and developing a product team

On assessing your team’s maturity

On bringing the team along



Caspar Below
Coffee & Sticky Notes

Notes on lean change, innovation, tech and teams. Former Head of Digital @ Shelter. Views my own.