Book Prompt

A Romance Book for People Who Don’t Like Romance Books

Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


A look at Bloodsucking Fiends: a Love Story

Photo by David Balev on Unsplash

It’s Monday so that means it is time for me to try to write in response to Marrisa W.’s book prompt. This week She asks for our favorite romance book.

I wrote before about how teen romance saved my reading during the pandemic. I also wrote about my love for the book Abundance of Katherines. So, where do I look now for something fresh to say about a romance book?

I don’t typically read romance unless it is a book by one of my favorite YA authors. I read books that include romance, but I rarely read an adult book where romance is the main point of the story. I do, however, read vampire novels and almost all of them have a romantic element.

My favorite of these is from one of my favorite authors, Christopher Moore.

Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story – Jody is attacked on her way home from work and wakes up under a dumpster. She gradually realizes that she has transformed into a vampire and has been left to master her new powers alone. Jody teams up with Tommy, an aspiring writer who works the night shift at a grocery store. Tommy helps Jody figure out which parts of vampire lore are true as she hides from her master who is killing people all over the city. Tommy and…



Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.