Feeling spent? My number 1 boss-hack guaranteed to fill up your cup.

Hint: It’s not sleep (though that helps too!)

Emily O. Weltman


Collage made in Canva by author.

“The usefulness of the cup is its emptiness.”
Bruce Lee

You have a leak.

If you like metaphors, you know a cup can be a solid metaphor for many things. It can be your outlook, your energy, your capacity. Are you a glass half full or half empty kind of person? It’s a fun thing to ask kids because they respond with “Neither. I am a mug.Or “I am totally empty.” They don’t accept that anything is binarythey challenge perfunctory expressions. They challenge, well, everything, and we should too.

While I like the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” it is not without flaws. Whatever fills you up may not be accessible when you need it most. First, let’s acknowledge a full cup is not always possible.

Picture a filled cup as a whole, full, optimistic and enthusiastic person. The empty cup, a depleted, broken, pessimistic and sluggish person. Got it?

Being a startup founder is like a trick cup. There’s a hole in the bottom; keep pouring but you will never be “full”–unless you become a “whole” founder.



Emily O. Weltman

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫