December 2022 TOP 5

Coin Hunt World
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2023

December was a jolly time in the cubie-verse and hunters that were good all year were rewarded with World Cup cubies and Christmas cheer! The leaderboards were covered in Ugly Sweater Cubies but the joy didn’t stop there. While the nuts dropped and the eggnog poured, hunters were searching for the last ingredients they needed to finish the final quest of the year.

UK hunters started out strong but couldn’t keep the Americans from crashing the party. Five hunters used the magic of Christmas to finish on top of the podium. Ben00000 and Ravens73 were the last UK players defending as MakikiTiki, Phienyxx, and Trugoy made shots on goal.

At the end, Santa only answered one hunter’s Christmas wish to be the Apex Hunter of December 2023.


Very honorable mentions go to the hunters next-up on the podium: Trugoy, Phienyxx, Ravens73, and MakikiTiki. Great podium finish all!

Congratulations also to the Top 5 Hunters of each country:

  • 🍁 Canada: XRPhilip, Geeya, Minel, Atrocities, and FauMiikz
  • 🏄 El Salvador: Mlordsv, Yukasy, Teamtanager, Grone, and OsValkdo
  • 🌺 Malaysia: Rithalas, WinnieQQ, Yuzi, CoinHuntKH, and Dbilly
  • 🚌 Philippines: Z1ddax, Jholo, Erwinwalsh, Jjdeity, and DPRyda
  • 🗽 USA: Trugoy, Phienyxx, MakikiTiki, Rudyt00ty, and Psycho808
  • 💂 UK: Ben00000, Ravens73, CoinDemon, iKan, and Gaterole

A new month of Coin Hunting is already underway — where will you rank?

Happy hunting,


*special acknowledgement to Snowowl for starting the nifty gifs embedded.

