Geomining 101 — An In-Depth Look at Geomining — Part 3



Welcome back to our three-part series covering all the aspects of Geomining in COIN. We hope you’ve enjoyed parts one and two of our series. In our third and final installment, we’ll focus on the four Geomining Modes: Open Exploration, Gamified Travel, Physical Exercise, and Mental Exercise. Enjoy the read, and get Geomining already — you know, after reading this ;).

Open Exploration

If you play video games, you’ll already be familiar with Open Exploration (the Open World concept). Travel anywhere in the world, and as long as there’s internet or a cell signal, you can Geomine and discover COIN. Open Exploration is the default Geomining Mode when you install the app, so you don’t need to take any additional actions to enable this feature. Simply tap the pickaxe icon wherever you happen to be, and you’ll see your COIN total grow and grow.

Gamified Travel

Gamified Travel is for you if you’re hitting the road and want to earn extra COIN while headed to your destination. With Gamified Travel, you can select a location from a list of points of interest on the map, and once you’ve reached that location, a Destination Geodrop with COIN will be waiting for you. The best part is you can still Geomine using Auto Explore along the way to your destination, so it’s a win-win! To enable Gamified Travel, tap the blue Geomining Modes icon with four squares on the right-hand side of your app and select Gamified Travel. When Gamified Travel is enabled, the main three buttons in your display will be speed, altitude, and direction.

Physical Exercise

Ready to get a little workout in and earn COIN while Geomining simultaneously? Then check out the Physical Exercise feature! To turn the Physical Exercise Mode on, tap the blue icon with four squares on the top right of the app, select Physical Exercise, and you’re off to the races. With this feature enabled, COIN will help you track your steps. You can change your Physical Exercise goal to suit your needs. To set your goal, simply select ‘change goal’ when you enable the feature, and then use the slider to choose the number of steps you want as your goal. You can select between a minimum of 100 steps and a maximum of 3500 steps. The app will provide you with your step count, current altitude, and current direction — it will also show your progress towards any goal you’ve set for yourself. So turn on Auto Explore and go on a hike, walk around the block, get your jog on, and get fit while earning more COIN.

Mental Exercise

If you’re looking to get some mental exercise in for the day, you can play minigames by activating the Mental Exercise Mode. Head to the same Geomining Mode menu we’ve discussed previously and select Mental Exercise. You can choose between completing five games as a minimum goal and up to 100 as a maximum, the default goal is five. It’s really up to you how many you want to achieve at one time, but we say challenge yourself and go for the 100.

You can also access minigames by clearing a Geomined tile. To do this, tap on a recently Geomined tile, and if you’ve already selected a Mental Exercise goal, the minigames will automatically pop up on your screen. Complete the minigame, and the tile will refresh so you can Geomine it again, which is perfect if you’re not on the go.

And just like that, our deep dive into Geomining is finished! Stay tuned for more deep-dive articles where we take a more in-depth look at the features in the COIN app. And if you don’t already have COIN, download it now!

Download COIN today




The COIN App is an App powered by XYO that allows users to Mine (Geomine) Cryptocurrency for providing location data.