10 Apps To Pay You in 24 Hours (Make Money From Home)

I found 10 apps that you can start using to make easy money on just your phone every single day. Daily Earning apps

Awais gill
Published in
10 min readNov 5, 2022


The 10 apps that will pay you daily within 24 hours. remote work from home. online jobs on mobile. image showing different curriences
Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash

With some of these apps, you can easily pay for life’s expenses or possibly even more than that. Download Apps and Start earning by completing simple tasks on mobile while sitting at home.

1. Miles App

Wouldn’t it be great if you got paid for walking driving riding a bike riding a bus or riding anything? Well, that happens to be the entire premise behind the miles app simply download the app and register.

Turn on location services and set it to always and then set it and forget it. The app will automatically log your miles and then you can redeem those miles for gift cards and other types of rewards. The amount of money that you can make on this app will strictly depend on how often you actually move around. I’m gonna give it a one out of 10 on the money scale.

2. Peer2Proft App

Peer2Profit Speaking of making money for doing nothing what if there is a way for you to make money on your phone or even on your computer? Just for simply using it like you don’t actually have to do anything but you just make money by simply using your device like you. Normally would anyways. Well, this is exactly what peertoprofit app does you simply install the app on your phone or even on your computer.

The app literally pays you money every single month just for having it installed on your device. Now that sounds kind of suspect right? Basically what the App is doing is selling all of your unused internet power to advertisers internet companies and marketing agencies. Then these companies take this data and use it to analyze competitors validate ads and get Market insight.

So these companies pay period of profit and then peer-to-profit pays you. The more devices you install this app on the more money. You’ll make and on average you can expect to earn about $8 and $0.50 per month per device that you have. This app is installed on and before you scoff at that amount of money.

Just remember it’s literally free money you aren’t having to do anything except simply install the app on your devices. Collect the money to get started simply use the link and sign up. I’m gonna give it a 2 out of 10 on the money scale.

3. Observa App

Observa is an app that lets you earn money through PayPal by simply Taking pictures and answering a few questions with your phone. Basically what you’re doing is auditing brand marketing at stores like Walmart Target gas stations places like that.

You’re following directions within the app to complete the audit for example there might be an opportunity at the store down the street from you to go and take pictures of the in-store marketing for Lays or Monster Energy Drink. And So within the app, there would Be directions telling you for example to take a picture of the shelf that has the bag of Lay’s chips on it.

Within the app, you would take a picture and then upload it. Plus every once in a while the app will have secret shopper opportunities for you to go and eat somewhere or shop somewhere and get paid to do it as a secret shopper. It’s very easy money and the average job takes only about 20 minutes or less to complete. On average you’ll earn Between four and twenty dollars per job depending on where you’re located. After observing the app I’m gonna give Observer a 2 out of 10 on the money scale.

4. Bonus App: Social Good App

Next up I’ve got an app that will pay you up to $100 crypto cash back for shopping like you normally would. The social good app was kind enough. Today’s article is about an Innovative and ambitious Global Project based on blockchain technology currently the social good app. The World's Largest shop-to-earn app.

For good reason the social good app allows you to earn up to $100 crypto cash back by shopping at over 1800 of your favorite online stores like eBay, TheHomeDepot, AliExpress, and Walmart. Here’s how it works. Let’s just say for example that you’re shopping online at Best Buy and you buy a new TV for one thousand dollars if you were to make that purchase through the social good app and you would earn up to 1 000 SG rewards.

You can then exchange for crypto also you automatically earn up to 15 interest on staking rewards on all the SG you hold. If you wanted to you could exchange SG for other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and USD tether because SG is listed on major exchanges to this day.

The social good app has given out over 50 million dollars in cash-back rewards and has over 2 million users and that number is expected to grow exponentially if it’s free. Easy to use and secure with over 70 registered patents start earning up to $100 crypto cashback by using the link. You’ll receive a 100 sign-up bonus as a new user.

5. 1Q App

Next up is a 1Q app that you’ve likely never heard of that. Definitely deserves a spot on this list and the app is called 1q. Basically, the way it works is you install the app. The app will send you very short questions to answer that pay anywhere From 25 cents to over three dollars per question. What’s unique about this app though is that they pay you immediately after answering a survey question through PayPal.

There are zero minimum withdrawal requirements which means you can get paid instantly for every survey that you complete. Five seconds later a notification on my screen pops up saying that the payment has already been sent to PayPal even if you answer one question and earn 25 cents. They’re Sending that straight to your PayPal as previously mentioned.

You can expect to earn anywhere from 25 cents to three dollars per completed survey. Most surveys are very short only lasting between one and four questions. 1Q is one good app and I’m gonna give it a 3 out of 10 for that.

6. Amazon Shopper Panel

This next app is from none other than retail giant Amazon. That’s right Amazon has an app that you can use to make easy money on your phone. I’m not kidding when I tell you that this is very easy money so pay close attention to the app called Amazon Shopper panel. Amazon shopper panel app you can earn monthly rewards by sharing receipts from purchases made outside of amazon.com.

Completing short surveys and enabling ad sharing and all you have to do is just upload 10 eligible receipts into the app. Every single month and when you do this you’ll earn $10 towards your Amazon balance that you can then use to shop on amazon.com. So at the absolute minimum, you can expect to earn at least $10 per month using this app.

If you’re doing other things like taking surveys or participating in ad sharing then you can expect to earn even more money. It simply doesn’t get any easier than that. Actually, it does get easier because we still have more apps to go over. I’m going to give Amazon Shopper panel a 4 out of 10.

7. Eureka App

Another app that’s even better than the last one is an app called Eureka. Eureka is an app that lets you take short surveys and get instant cash payouts for those surveys. The app has over 252 000 reviews with the vast majority of those being five stars. It’s pretty obvious that unlike a lot of the other survey apps out there on the market. This one is actually worth it. There are three different ways that you can make money with Eureka.

The first way is obviously by taking surveys. But you can also do things like enter cash giveaways to earn even larger amounts of money. And you can earn free money every single day just for completing daily pulls. On average you can expect to earn anywhere from 15 cents to $6 per survey that you take.

Just keep in mind that most of these surveys are relatively short and they can be completed in just a few minutes or less. 4 out of 10 on the money scale but we’ve got much better apps.

8. Webull App

Coming up with this next app is one that Webull. I’ve talked about this before in another article but it’s worth mentioning again because the potential for you to make thousands of dollars in just a matter of minutes is far too good to not include this on the list again. Webull is an investing app that allows you to invest in the stock market and earn passive income through stock dividends. Free stocks for creating an account by simply using the Webull link.

Below you’ll get 12 free stocks valued up to $36000 when you deposit just one penny. Yes, you heard that right all you have to do is just use the link to sign up for free. Webull account connects your bank account to your Webull account. Deposit just one penny and you’ll earn 12 free stocks valued up to $36000. It’s literally a no-brainer plus now that you have the app installed now.

Would be a really great time to consider investing for your future. I’ve got dozens of articles on my page you can check them out on our page. The entire process of how to begin investing for your future way to go Webull 5 out of 10.

9. Mobee

I want you to imagine for a second that you’re somebody who regularly visits Starbucks even if you don’t drink Starbucks. I just want you to imagine that you do for a second and so you go into Starbucks maybe two to three times per week. You buy your coffee and that’s it. That’s the end of it right but what if there was a way for you to monetize?

You go into Starbucks well with the secret shopping app called Mobee. You can earn rewards by giving feedback about the businesses and restaurants that you always visit or eat at. Basically the app will ask you various questions about the business that you’re eating and after you submit your answers. You’ll be rewarded for your work and you can expect to earn.

Between 5 five and ten dollars on average for every mission that you complete and these missions are typically very easy to complete. You can be done within just a few minutes. Mobee is a Solid 5 out of 10 in my books.

10. Global Adventures

Global Adventure is a site that pays you up to $100 by walking biking or droning around your city and taking videos of the scenery to submit a video. Simply go to Globaladventures.site and then go to submit video and answer the following questions about the video. You plan on submitting it’s worth mentioning that there are a few requirements that have to be met. If you want your videos to actually be approved and for you to be paid.

For the most part, it’s obvious things like no swearing in the videos. Obviously, the videos have to be high quality for them to be accepted not one hack that you can do on your iPhone.

I’m sure this same feature exists for Android devices. But if you go Into your iPhone settings and then scroll down until you get to the camera and then right here under record video select it and then select 4K at 24 FPS or frames per second.

By selecting the 24 frames per second option your videos will look a lot more cinematic which will then give them the appearance of being higher quality. As already mentioned you can make up to $100 for every video that you submit depending on the length and quality of the video not bad. I’m gonna give this a 5 out of 10.

Hyrecar App

Many of you have heard of car rental services like turo and get around these Services. Let you easily rent your car out to people to earn passive income. There are different services that arguably pay even more money for you to rent your car out. Hyrecar is a platform that lets you rent out your car to rat your drivers and gig workers to earn an easy passive income consistently. You see a lot of people want to be able to work.

Themselves the right set their own schedules and take vacations when they want to be their own boss. Thanks to the ever-growing gig economy thanks to apps like Uber, Doordash, Instacart, and dozens of others. It’s now more possible than ever To Be Your Own Boss but there’s a dilemma because not a lot of people have good reliable cars that they can use to make money with this rad share or delivery app and that’s exactly where Hyrecar comes in by simply installing.

With the higher car app and then tapping on rent a car you can start earning hundreds of dollars per week renting out your car plus your car is protected by Hyrears. One million dollars in liability protection and according to hire car you can expect to earn up to 720 per month renting out your car. I’ll give this a solid 6 out of 10 on the money scale.

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