Coin On Wheel
7 min readMar 21, 2023


Bitcoin is seeing a significant rejection from the 25 000 US Dollars and while this is happening the 1 billion US dollars that cset talked about that he will be deploying on bitcoin and Eve so far has not deployed yet what means we could still see a significant rally coming for Bitcoin so make sure to get ready for this very important update .I will be discussing the most important support resistance and of course my next potential trade for Bitcoin and a quick update about what we’re expecting with the next interest rate hike and where the inflation came in at so without any further Ado can we once again stop off the likes backup of 600 and let’s jump straight away in towards the content yesterday the inflation reports came in on six percent what was exactly at consensus and that was also the reason why we didn’t necessarily have a big move we did moved up to twenty six thousand dollars however we can currently see we came back towards this level and we can currently see the Bitcoin is basically still trading in a small little uptrend

On a one-hour time frame but clearly came down from up that 26.5 K top side while the inflation came in exactly as consensus we can currently see for the next Federal Reserve meeting we are expecting a 21 probability that we are not going to see an interest rate hike at all and an approximately 79 probability that we’re going to see a 25 basis point hike so it is extremely likely that next meeting we’re probably going to get a 25 basis point hike unless something very important breaks in the coming weeks ahead of ourselves so keep our eyes wide open on this one and if I’m really looking at Bitcoin on the one hour time frame what I can really clearly see right now here is that we’re seeing a small little loss of momentum in the beginning phase this rally was quite exponential like you can see it went very quickly towards the offside and right now it looks to be slowing down here on the top side what is the signal of potential consolidation and what is also a potential signal of a small cool face on the floor early time frame we can see that we he clearly broke above the Range High so Bitcoin officially has once again confirmed another higher high together with an higher low so this is of course a good thing to see for Bitcoin and basically after you see such kind of confirmation happen what you want to do is look for the next higher low the next higher low is the level that I want to be longing for Bitcoin and the levels where I will be looking at is going to be around several levels so if Bitcoin moves down towards let’s say 23.5 K I am going to be opening up a significant Bitcoin long why is because the 23.5 K is coming in exactly at this important resistance right here important support big support right here and if we manage to have a retest of this level I am most certainly going to be opening up a huge Bitcoin long position on this exact level because yeah this is a very important level of support where I’m actually looking to of course trade Bitcoin from and basically open up a huge loan position from off so that is what I’m currently looking for if we are going to see a pullback to 23.3 to 23.4 K I am going to go in with a long position so make sure to subscribe to the channel so you’re going to stay up to date if

I will be opening up my next trade we can also currently clearly see that on the 12-hour time frame this is the most important resistance to break you can see clearly not only one not only twice not only three times not only four times five times but either six times we already have seen a rejection from this 12 hour watch sloping resistance line so this is clearly the level to break for Bitcoin right now and yeah it’s quite a stealth trend line but yeah it’s really providing resistance every single time we touched it so you can see right now now that it’s right yet so far I am looking to trade to 23.3 to 23.5 K if I’m going to be able to do so I will be opening up a new long position if you want to be trading yourself as well you can right now check out the link in description because if you sign up an account on buybid using the link in description right now you will be able to claim the puzzle bonus up to 30 000 US dollars so make sure to check that out in the link of description right now here looking then at the daily time frame for Bitcoin looking in general at the range where we’re currently trading in we can clearly see the level to break is the 25.

2k I’ve said it yesterday as well we need to confirm again the close-up of 25.2 to 25.4 K in the daily candles in order to confirm a breakout and like you can see we’ve got significantly rejected and so far we’ve not confirmed a breakout gets so far in the daily time frame and for that we just have to be patient I mean to be very honest the trend is looking quite bullish since Bitcoin first created the lower low and Rhino created a higher low it is indicating that we’re creating somewhat of an inverse hand and shoulder so in my opinion the trend and how the market structure is creating itself it is looking quite bullish and I’m honestly expecting that we are going to see that continuation towards the upside happening anytime soon here but really for me what I’m going to be looking at is whether we’re going to be breaking above the 25.4 K and if we confirm the break above that level then I’m going to be longing the retest so let’s say Bitcoin is not going to come down towards these lower targets around 23.3 K and I’m not able to open up a long position right here what it will be doing next there is look at the daily Trend see a confirmation breakout and on the exact retest that is the point where I will be opening up a large Bitcoin loan position so yeah still waiting for my next trade here and if I see enough confirmations and especially on the daily time frame

I am most certainlygoing to be opening up a huge trade on bitcoin straight away the reason why I want to be longing Bitcoin on that retest is basically because if we confirm the breakout above that level we’re going to be entering a low volume range a low volume range is basically a range where there’s almost no volume traded and once there is almost no volume traded in a certain range you could move through it very quickly and also another reason why I personally think we could move through it very quickly is due to the fact is that cset binance will be converting 1 billion US dollars in Industry Recovery initiative funds B USD to bitcoin BNB and Eve and he said this in approximately two days ago here here and the funny part about it is after he said this the market moved up quite significantly but for a fact the 1 billion US dollars in busd has not been moved yet so far into Bitcoin b or if so that is very important to see here so we are still expecting another billion used dollars in buying pressure to be getting added in towards the market in the coming dayscoming weeks ahead of ourselves

I don’t know when he is exactly going to be buying this but still there is another billion US dollars in buying liquidity that is about to come so make sure to get ready for that one I am thinking it’s very exciting and it could definitely pump up prices for sure and it definitely could be pumping up the Bitcoin and Eve price significantly and that could definitely create maybe another potential movement towards the upside and maybe even the potential break above the 25k region because so far yeah we’re still struggling around the region we can still not break above it and maybe it’s going to be starting to be pushing for this level with that one billion US dollars in recovery funds so you can see also on the weekly time frame what makes it for me very exciting is that we’re actually creating an invers on his shoulders and an inverse on his shoulders is a significantly bullish bias pattern and you can currently see we’re creating one and the level to break for the confirmation isjust 25.5 K if we close the weekly candle above it

I’m going to see in confirmation on this chart right here and the price target of this inverts on his shoulders is sitting somewhere around and don’t be shocked around forty thousand dollars so that’s an absolutely crazy Target and that is also exactly the target what I’m currently aiming for you can see also on the 200 weekly moving average the level that historically speaking provided support for the big Bitcoin bear Market bottoms is right now providing resistance here on the top side and still I’ve said this several times before the 200 weekly moving average for Bitcoin is the level to break so for me it’s going to be important to see where your weekly candle is going to close in exactly four days and 18 hours from now on so if we’re going to be closing it above the 200 weekly moving average we’re confirming the break back above it and that is exactly what I want to be seeing because so far it’s been providing significant resistance and right now if we do break above it it could start to flip into support so that was it for me on today’s update.

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