3 Strategies That Will Grow Your Web3 Brand Better Than Ads

Ayodeji Alo (Lore)
Published in
10 min readAug 26, 2022


An NFT project grew its Twitter page to over 100k followers without paid ads in less than 2 months.

I practically watched the page of the above project grow as they implemented just one of the strategies I’m about to share with you.

Sadly, the anonymous artist turned out to scammer.

Nevertheless, it gives you a picture of what’s possible without paid ads.

Not that I’m against paid ads, but we generally put out flashy ads to get people to take an action, whereas web3 super fans are built out of the connection.

Juan Merodio said:

No truer words

So let’s jump right into 3 strategies that can grow your project to over 30k quality people in just the first month. No fluff words. This stuff works!

  1. Collaboration (an unusual method)
  2. Putting out content
  3. Influencers’ remark

But how exactly do these strategies work? And how can you make the most of it?

If you would like to get the answers to then above questions, then let’s keep going.

1. Collaboration

Collaboration is one of the main pillars of web3, but many collaborations happening in the NFT space especially are just whitelist distribution in disguise.

True collaboration, or should I say partnership, is carefully thought out and planned.

It takes at least 2 weeks to finalize. The goal here is not quantity, it’s quality.

“A collaboration is enough to sell out a project”

Yeah, the above statement is so true. Let me paint the picture for you.

Imagine a part of your project’s utility is creating a metaverse, you can reach out to a project like Azuki and tell them

“Hey, I’m from XYZ project, we are all about bringing value to our holders and the nft space at large. I noticed your project plans IRL events for its holders which is awesome. What do you think about extending it to include a metaverse event?
We would dedicate a certain part of our metaverse for your events and the ticket to a such event would be the Azuki nft.”

Are you seeing how this works? Let’s try another example with degods.

“Hi, I’m from XYZ project. I noticed degods gives its holders access to win top-tier nfts every day and even purchase nfts from its treasury.
What if I told you that you can get a bulk of these nfts at a very discounted price, cool right?

We are launching a marketplace which will be featuring various projects, our analytical team would highlight the ones with potential. In return for featuring them, we get some discount off their mint price. We are willing to give degods 50% of those spots”

So I want you to take some time to picture what happens if one of these projects accepts your proposal. What would that mean for your project?

The same applies to defi projects

You see the trick is not sending a one size fit for all pitch but making in-depth research about the project you want to collaborate with and then looking out for ways your project (or utilities) can bring value to them.

Once you have gotten a unique and valuable proposition, hold up!

I know at this point you want to pitch it right away but you have got to double-check if the offer is truly irresistible.

If done ‘right,’ your project will gain a lot of traction through that partnership.

One big question you have probably thought of is “how can I make an effective collaboration?”

Before we go into that, what exactly is ‘right?’

You see, a lot of projects have secured collaboration with the big dogs but nothing changed.

Perhaps they got some eyes on their project and even go on to sell out but after mint the floor price plummets like a waterfall.

What could be the problem? I mean, isn’t a good collaboration supposed to help build their floor price after mint?

Well, it’s simply because they failed to do it right, they didn’t build perception.

The process I described earlier would get you that quality collaboration but what matters most is what you do after securing the collaboration.

How did you present it?
How did people perceive it?
Did you post it on your collab channel?
Did you make it as a random announcement?

All of these things matter and their effect linger even after mint, so why don’t we look at how you can make the most of it?

How To Run A Successful Web3 Collaboration

1. Plan an event
2. Bring the project onboard
3. Invite an Influencer
4. Make the announcement

Let’s take a deeper look at how each of them plays out

1. Plan an event
After securing the collaboration, it’s not enough to just make an announcement and share whitelist, no, you’ve got to step up.

Plan an event, a big one, wherever will give you the most traction, it could be on a Twitter space, a discord voice channel or even both.

While these two are the most common, you can also use zoom for your events.

2. Bring the project onboard
Now that you have planned to host an event, reach out to the project and tell them about the event plan.

Bring them onboard so both teams can decide the best day, time and platform for the event.

There can be a few back and forths because of time zone differences. The point is that you both reach a compromise.

3. Invite an influencer
You could use 5 influencers for this event. Get 3–4 upcoming influencers to help shill the event to their network and distribute some wl spots.

You might be required to pay a fee for it or provide them with some sort of value.

Then you invite a thought leader, an influencer who is well respected in the space to be a part of the event.

His role will be to anchor the event, he’ll be one of the speakers or could even be the host.

4. Make the Announcement
The last thing off your checklist would be announcing it to the community.

The goal is to ensure that a lot of people create time to attend this event and you can achieve that through emotional triggers

Create high-quality graphics, or cinematic video (not just a banner of logos) to ensure your visuals are engaging. Then apply copywriting principles to state the benefit of the collaboration in the announcement.

End with a call to action like ‘set a reminder for this date’ or you could even add a link that notifies them when the event starts.

With all the preparations at this point, it seems you are about to sign Ronaldo into your project right?
Good, that is the power of perception.

The community (and anyone that hears of it) will perceive that you mean business.

It boosts trust and respect at a lightning speed.

You see, not your regular kind of collaboration.

2. Putting Out Content

The importance of content in this age and space can not be overemphasized. It even gets better when you have an emphatic brand story connected to your project like in the case of Searaiders.

You can read up on the 5 Importance of storytelling for web3 projects

Gonzo, a web3 marketer has this to say about putting out content

There are two types of content you should put out
1. Direct content
2. Indirect (Featured) content.

1. Direct content

It is simply the content from your brand directly to your community or target audience. No middleman and no third party are involved.

Your brand has got a website right? It’s time to make good use of it.

Write articles and create podcasts about what you are building, the benefits, the process, and the value… you could even expand more on each utility.

Still unsure of what to create? You can get ideas from the most common questions asked during your AMA sessions and you could even put out the AMA as content (more on this later)

So now that you have multiple streams of content ideas that satisfy your community’s needs, the next thing creating and publishing.

Use webhook to connect your website to your discord so that the community is always notified about any new content that is uploaded.

Here is where it gets interesting. You don’t need to write out 50 articles before mint, a SEO article per week is enough.

Do I hear you saying ‘what content do I put out for the other days?’

Your answer is content repurposing.

Just take some parts of that well-crafted article and repurpose it into a tweet thread and quotes for Twitter; infographics, quotes and video infographics for Instagram; Carousel post, video and short article for LinkedIn.

I mean the possibilities with content repurposing are just endless.

You can focus on other parts and repurpose them into different forms of content for different channels.

This helps ensure there is consistency in your brand messaging.

Let’s reverse to the AMA sessions. While others might not be able to attend the AMA session, you can record it and give a summary in Question and Answer format touching all main points.

You can also repurpose key areas into audio, infographics and quotes for others to consume easily.

Doing this prevents you from tackling frequently asked questions in your ama sessions and focusing on new ones.

2. Indirect (Featured) Content

This is content you put out on someone’s channel for your target market. They are indirect because the content doesn’t appear on any of your marketing channels, you simply feature them on someone else’s.

The ‘someone’ in this case is someone who has a large audience containing your target market.

One major marketing hack is to go where your target audience is gathered and try to convert them into traffic you own ( for example, getting people from a Facebook group for health tips to signup for a health organization newsletter)

It’s the same principle here, instead of trying to gather them from different places, you only need to locate where they are congregated and pull them into your project.

Sounds fun right?

You can get a host of web3 enthusiasts who would most likely be interested in what you are building from Web3 podcasts, Influencers, events, spaces and blogs.

So now that we know where to get them, the next question is how do we bring them in?

For events, spaces, podcasts and the likes, you have to talk about what you are building to pique the interest of your listeners but it’s a bit different with blogs.

I consider blogs to be far more effective and easy for this strategy.

Some blogs accept guest blogging. It simply means you can write for them on any topic of your choice and in return, they will allow you access to their network.

Some Web3 Blogs That Accept Guest Blogging

What are nfts
Non-fungible talk
Bitcoin Magazine
Coin republic

The strategy here is to find pain points to help your audience solve.

Ensure the topic you write on is relevant to your brand so you can link to your website and put a tempting CTA to your community.

Besides the SEO benefits, those coming in tend to respect your brand and consider you as someone building and ready to give value to the space.

3. Influencers Remark

Take a look at these charts for influencer marketing from Google trends.

There is a stable increase. In other words, influencer marketing isn’t going anywhere.

Do you know you can tap into their audience to grow your reach without selling a kidney?

Yeah, you can, despite their high charges. The required mind shift is to remember that they are human.

Remember we listed influencers in the indirect (featured) content type.

Yeah, but in this strategy, you won’t be telling them to feature your content on their page or run a promo for you.

We’ll be taking a different approach. As I said, influencers (thought leaders), behind that titanic number of followers, are human so we approach them with that mentality.

Here’s how:
• Make a list of the influencers’ remarks you’d like
• Follow them and watch out for the kind of content they post
• Reach out to them and tell them you would love to get on a call to talk more on XYZ (the topic they are interested in)
• During the call, both parties will share ideas. Take note of their key points on specific topics and your project
• After the call, write an appreciative post, add one or two of their remark, tag them in it and weave it back to what you are building.

And voila! There you have it.

Did you see how building a connection came first?
There’s a high probability that when the
influencer sees it, he/she would share it with their network.

Some might even return the gesture and write something about you too.

In Summary

Paid ads are good, but organic growth is even better because what scales a project in the web3 is not just the numbers but the Community bond

Daniela, my mentor on building a purposeful community said

Yes, and yes, the strategies mentioned are a whole lot of work for someone to carry out alone.

You’ll need a team consisting of a copywriter, content marketer, project manager, graphics designer and some other expertise to ensure you get in quality people and create a memorable customer journey.

That way you have a community of super fans who go on to mint. This is the result I help web3 brands get.

I can’t wait to meet you
Are you building something amazing in web3?
Tap this, let’s connect and talk about what you are building.

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Ayodeji Alo (Lore)

Web3 Content Writer and Marketer || Leveraging Proven Strategies and Data-driven Insights to Scale Web3 Brands