5 Best Ethereum Faucets 2023

Bella ● NotumDeFi
5 min readFeb 21, 2023


What Is an Ethereum Faucet?

Ethereum faucet is an instrument that allows users to receive some amount of ETH for completed tasks. Assignments vary from the simplest ones that do not require any professional skills to more complicated ones. It can be a great alternative to purchasing coins, especially if your personal financial situation does not let it.

After a completed task, a person gets a micropayment, which is usually not suitable for a regular wallet. This means that to work with Ether faucets, it is also important to open a relevant wallet.

Post-Merge Ethereum Testnets — Goerli and Sepolia

Ethereum possesses two main public testnets: Goerli and Sepolia. Both of them are significant for comprehending the principle of faucets’ operation.

Goerli or Görli is one of the most significant Ethereum testnets. Initially, Proof-of-Authority is a unified testnet that supports a large variety of clients. It provides a highly demanded opportunity for developers to try out their apps before running them on the mainnet. Goerli was launched in early 2019. During the merge of Ethereum’s execution layer with the Proof-of-Stake, Goerli merged with the testnet of the Prater Beacon Chain. Goerli’s merge was the last step before the mainnet transition.

Sepolia is a PoS testnet. It was launched in 2021. Initially, it was a Proof-of-Work testnet. However, during the merge, it united with the Sepolia PoS Beacon Chain. The main function of Sepolia is to mimic the mainnet to make it possible for developers to test dApps and smart contracts in an environment that is close to the final one.

Exploring the Best Ethereum Faucet in 2023

The list of ETH faucets is growing at a supersonic speed. This fact only proves that it is an extremely required tool. Each testnet has its own faucet enabling creators to find help in completing easy tasks in order to make sure that the application is working.

The Goerli testnet is used by developers to help them not just to test their smart contracts and dApps, but also to let them get familiar with the wide range of opportunities they have for free. Covering transaction fees on mainnet may become a costly experience. So any tests straight on the mainnet would cost a fortune. Instead, developers are welcome to practice with the help of the Goerli faucet.

The Sepolia test net, as it was stated above, copies the Ethereum mainnet. This testnet is used just like the Goerli one. However, it has a certain distinction from other testnets. Most of its PoW validators are public. This trait may lead to a hypothetical situation when no validators are in action. Thus, developers may get a chance to check their work under the worst conditions.

The most reliable faucets are considered to be:

PoW Goerli faucet

To prevent malicious actions, this faucet wants applicants to do some mining before they could receive an opportunity to use the resource. After accumulating a certain amount of ETH, the faucet can be used at its full capacity.

PoW Sepolia faucet

This faucet also aims to protect its users from malevolent actors. In order to not allow exhaustion of the faucet, it also demands some mining.

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Alternatives to the Best Ethereum Faucets

There are a lot of various types of external ETH faucets, and each of them has its own features.

1. Fire Faucet

This one is considered to be one of the most reliable. The best feature it provides is the ability to set up an Ethereum auto faucet mode, which reduces the time needed for operating a faucet. Moreover, it does not exhaust users with constant ads and increases chances of earning more and faster via referral and ranking systems.

2. Allcoins. pw

Gives a good variety of tasks, some of which can be combined to boost earning speed. It also does not tire users with pop-up ads.

3. Ethereum-faucet.org

This is the best choice for those whose number one priority is anonymity. This faucet does not require registration or any personal data. It also offers quite a lot of tasks.

4. Rollercoin

It is a free Ethereum faucet made in the form of a cute 8-bit game with a mining simulator that allows users to generate real ETH.

Pros & Cons of Ethereum Faucets

Any Ethereum faucet has obvious advantages in comparison with mining, for example. They do not require much expertise from the person who desires to get some ETH. It mostly means that pretty much anyone can start using these resources.

On the other hand, it is crucial to consider a number of disadvantages. They may not be as clear at first glance, but they may have a huge influence on the process. First of all, using faucets can be rather time-consuming. Although the tasks are not complicated, to get a tangible amount of ETH, a user would have to lose a serious amount of time.

How to Use an Ethereum Faucet

One of the key problems for newcomers is how to start using ETH faucets. Usually, the complete guide is provided by services. However, there are two instruments that can be kept in mind.

First of all, it is Moralis. It is a tool for managing your cryptocurrency portfolio in one place. It currently supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and XRP wallets. You can also store other tokens on the platform if they support ERC-20 tokens (for example, Binance Coin).

The second important tool to use is MetaMask. It is a wallet extension that allows users to interact with websites from their browsers without having to install any additional software or plugins.

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Testnets and Moralis

Moralis is a command-line utility that automates the setup and configuration of your development environment. It allows you to easily deploy applications in Goerli or Sepolia ETH faucet testnets. Once installed, it will add a new command (moralis) in your terminal that allows you to interact with these networks.

Testnets and MetaMask

A crucial point in interacting with faucets is to set up a wallet that is capable of accepting small amounts of rewards that will be generated. MetaMask is one of those possibilities. It is a web browser extension that allows you to interact with Ethereum networks by providing an interface to sign transactions locally. It also provides a local wallet for your funds and an easy way to manage different accounts.

How to Use Ether Faucets

To get started with Ethereum faucets, in most cases, it is necessary to register an account on the site of the service you choose to use by entering your email address and creating a password. Sometimes a user has to install the software.


Ethereum faucets are considered to be one of the easiest ways to acquire ETH. That is the reason for a constantly rising amount of services for this. There are quite a lot of options that can fit any taste and requirements. However, it is essential to keep in mind the fact that none of the faucets are meant to accumulate wealth. They may be viewed as an auxiliary tools.

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