5 Keys To Being Successful (NFT/Crypto Edition) 🔑

The Quantum Chronicle - Quantum & Emerging Tech
5 min readMay 10, 2022


It’s never truly easy being successful in any industry…

Here are a few tips that may help you along your journey to becoming successful that can be applied to all industries…


This means Do Your Own Research. With anything in life, you should always do as much research on the topic as you deem necessary. Some people may take hours researching something while others may take 2 minutes, it depends on the person.

If you’re going to invest thousands, or even hundreds, on some crypto token or NFT, you MIGHT want to check out the project. Look for what problem they’re solving. See who’se behind the project. How’s the community? Is it all hype?

If the NFT project you bought into based off hype ends up being a rug pull, you can’t blame anyone for yourself for investing in this project.

2. Consistency

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”
- Dwayne Johnson

This is true in any facet of life. The more you do something, the better you get at it.

The longer you’re involved/interacting/engaging with NFT’s and Crypto, the more you’ll understand what all the projects are doing and will have a better understanding of if the project has a chance at being successful or not.

We’re all still very lucky to be where we are in the Crypto/NFT space right now because we are ALL still so early.

You can start now and over the next 1–3yrs become an expert in the field. Not many professions allow for that kind of rapid growth.

3. Connections

As the old saying goes, it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know that matters…

I find this to be true in just about any facet of life.

You should try to connect and communicate (become friends with even) with as many “successful” people in your chosen industry. For the blockchain/crypto/NFT industry here are a few examples of how to make these connections…

Go on your LinkedIn, Twitter, IG, TT, YT…and search hashtags for your topics and follow/connect with the top players in the industry. When these major players make posts, try to be one of the first to make a valuable comment (can turn on notifications for them if you like). Do this with consistency and eventually they’ll become a sort of “friend”.

You may also join Discord and mingle and interact with the community. This is a good way to make “deeper” connections online.

But as always, the best connections you can ever make will be human-to-human interaction. Get out in your community and make some friends :]

4. Wisdom

This one is sort of a no-brainer…
We should all be striving for excellence in any given field of choice, and half of the battle for gaining excellence is through knowledge. Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom.

Read all the books on your subject. Watch all the informative YouTube videos. Listen to all the Podcasts. Follow all the big names….

By doing this you’ll be arming yourself with valuable ammo for when you’re ready to utilize that knowledge gained

Wisdom can only come over time, so this will go hand and hand with consistency.

You made a bad investment on an NFT or crypto token? GOOD! Now you’re wiser for the next investment you take part in (hopefully) DYOR

5. Passion

If you’re not truly passionate (at least to a slight extent) about the topic of your choice, you’ll quickly fade away.

You have to TRULY want to get better, make better decisions, become an expert in your field, otherwise you’ll do it for a few months or so and let it fall to the waste side.

You can tell when someone is passionate about a subject, it shows in their work, you can hear it in their voice, see it in their appearance even…

The funny thing about passion is that it’ something that grows the more you do the thing. Nobody really starts out by being passionate about something. It’s something that grows the more you do it. Consistency and passion go hand and hand. the more you do something, the more you want to do it and the more you begin to become passionate about doing it.

6. Innovation

With the simplicity of social media to make everyone have a voice and seemingly become an “expert” in record times, it’s imperative that we try to be unique in our messaging. Have your own voice, don’t simply just copy what others are doing. You may take some content/info/value from others posts, but re-brand it and make it your own/

The innovators are the ones who stand out, the ones who are going to make it in the long run even if at first they’re scrutinized for standing apart from what others are doing. People don’t normally like what they don’t understand, until they do… There comes a tipping point. As long as you’re consistent and authentic, that tipping point will come.



I can’t stress this enough! Be extremely vigilant and aware of every link you click on, every transaction you make, and every person you interact with as scammers are plentiful in the space and rugs get pulled from the best looking of projects.

Triple check all links before you click them and make sure they’re the official link you’re looking for. Also triple check all wallet address’s before sending anything valuable to someone else.

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Thanks for reading :]

Ty aka “The Dude”

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