A Beginner’s Guide to DeFi

4 min readJul 20, 2022


DeFi has been referred to as the “wild west” of cryptocurrencies. Many think this unregulated financial system will completely change how we conduct financial transactions.

Investors do not, however, typically have the same safeguards as they do in conventional financial markets because it is still mostly unregulated. Nevertheless, the possibilities made possible by DeFi make it a fascinating arena for crypto investors despite the risks.

What is DeFi?

A global financial system called “decentralized finance,” or “DeFi” is accessible on open blockchains, notably Ethereum.

Decentralized finance is commonly known as DeFi. It stands for self-custody finance, to sum it up. In DeFi, you are the only person with access to your money, unlike traditional finance, where a business, bank, or fund is in charge.

Using this cutting-edge technology, DeFi broadens the scope of what’s possible with cryptocurrencies, goes beyond merely being a medium of exchange and builds sophisticated systems with various applications, often decentralized apps or dApps.

A group of businesspeople and Ethereum engineers created DeFi in 2018, intending to remove barriers to traditional finance applications.

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How DeFi works

DeFi, formerly known as “open finance,” eliminates the middleman in financial transactions. Therefore, when you make a purchase, you use the digital currency and have ownership of it directly rather than having your bank or credit card issuer act as an intermediary. The leading cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, Ethereum, serves as the foundation for DeFi.

The core beliefs of DeFi are as follows:

  • Since there are no middlemen, no banks or other organizations manage your money.
  • There is some transparency because anyone can review the code.
  • There are open networks that span the globe.
  • There are numerous user applications, most of which are built on Ethereum.

Although DeFi is frequently a prominent voice in the cryptocurrency discussion, it does more than just provide a substitute digital currency or value. With the help of its smart contracts, DeFi attempts to replace the function of conventional financial systems.

Code is everything in DeFi. Your money is programmed to fulfill numerous functions using smart contracts. As a result, anyone with a computer and an internet connection now has a unique opportunity to engage in the global economy.

DeFi’s removal of the entry barrier for many of these financial activities is one of its most attractive features for customers. For example, you are no longer subject to financial product eligibility requirements or have your money managed by the government or a corporation.

You apply for a loan through conventional financial procedures, and depending on your credit, you can be denied. You keep your money in a bank account or manage it through an investing agency.

With DeFi’s smart contracts, some financial transactions are carried out following the fulfillment of specific requirements. The transaction terms are physically encoded in the smart contracts’ code, enabling borrowing, lending, and other financial transactions. While that makes these transactions more user-friendly and practical, it can also make them more prone to mistakes that cannot be corrected.

DeFi can be used because of these smart contracts and Ethereum’s capacity to build applications:

  • Providing peer-to-peer lending and borrowing as a lending network.
  • Through decentralized exchanges, where users can swap one currency kind for another. For instance, exchanging ether for dollars.
  • For gambling, in which customers wager on possible results of certain events.
  • Stablecoins reduce price volatility and increase stability by linking a particular cryptocurrency to a more conventional form of money, such as the US dollar.

Pros and cons of DeFi

DeFi and other cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly well-liked, making it look like a good investment. However, it’s critical to comprehend what you’re entering into and the advantages and disadvantages before taking the plunge.

In DeFi, you retain ownership of your money and have discretion over its use. In addition, DeFi is effective since everything is programmable, and you can complete complicated transactions with just a touch of a button.

The accessibility factor may remove some barriers, but there are also some drawbacks to be mindful of.

DeFi is brand-new and experimental. Everything is code; thus, there may be bugs. Bugs cause financial loss or hacks. DeFi is new and complex. Still, user experience can be tricky. Though it is still steep, the learning curve will flatten down.

DeFi carries the same level of risk that other investments do. However, given the challenges of regulation and the possibility of fraud, any cryptocurrency or DeFi application may carry a higher level of risk. Therefore, don’t invest any money you can’t afford to lose is a piece of wise advice.




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