About Me is About You

George Junior Official
4 min readJan 8, 2024


You know that feeling when you believe so much in something that you focus all your time and effort around it until you become unstoppable?

I could not find that inner motivation and drive to do something meaningful, something big that can move the needle for me and for the people around me in a positive way.

I was either doing things because I needed to, because I was supposed to or because they were trendy.

Worst of all, the things I really had a drive for doing led me only to dead ends and vanity.

If I did those things it didn’t mean I really wanted to do them, it didn’t mean I understood them and especially it didn’t mean they had any deep meaning or a significant impact for me personally, professionally or socially.

All my life I had this problem which I didn’t know how to tackle.

During the last 5 years I tried several activities I thought I had a drive for doing, but they all failed except for one. Or better said, a combination of them.

For the first time in my life I found myself being driven by the mission of decentralization, web3 and blockchain technology.

This phenomenon has a deep meaning for me from so many points of view:

1. It gives the power back to individuals

Yes, I support giving power back to the individuals, but we all know if power is in the hands of the wrong or the unprepared people, most of the time it can lead to chaotic or negative outcomes.

We also know that taking the power away from people through centralized structures and governments comes with taking away their potential too, and the evolution of individuals, communities and society is slowed down in the best case, or stopped with negative consequences in the worst scenario.

The solution is to bring decentralization hand in hand with education.

Giving power to educated and capable people can lead to tremendous impact for society overall.

Decentralization without education can be destructive, and education without the power, freedom and fairness gained from a decentralized system is useless.

Both are important and they cannot be impactful one without the other.

2. It lifts humanity in a proper way

People, nature and the Universe have a tendency to transform, progress and evolve.

Web3 might seem that humanity reached its peak but if you take a closer look you can easily see that web3 makes room to explore new peaks in terms of technology, consciousness and quality of life.

3. It makes even more things possible

Without getting too much on the spiritual side (which is very hard for me because I am a spiritual person), I want to say that we already live in a reality built in own own heads.

If you ask one million people how they view the world you will get one million different versions of the same world that we live in because we are more subjective than objective, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That is the beauty of life.

With the evolution of Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence we are capable of unchaining our highest levels of imagination and potential and create a better reality for ourselves as individuals, communities and society overall.

Jobs will not disappear.

We will be able to do whatever we are already doing but at scale, more efficient, more effective, more precise, cheaper and faster.

We will have time and resources for what is really meaningful for us as human beings and through this we will be able to contribute to the wellbeing of others around us too.

Increasing Web3 adoption through copywriting

I always loved to write, I always aimed to bring a positive contribution in creative ways and I always had a drive to make an impact and leave the world better than I found it.

The elements that make a perfect cocktail for me to enjoy every day and share it with others is made out of copywriting, content writing, marketing, branding, advertising, decentralization, blockchain and web3.

I am George Junior and I am increasing Web 3.0 adoption through copywriting.

About me is about you because I have a purpose bigger than me and everybody can benefit from the gifts I have to share with the world, and you can do that too.

Now it’s the time to be unique because everybody will win from it.

I will leave you for now, just to come back with my next post where I researched what it takes to become a Web 3.0 Copywriter in 2024.

See you on the peaks of imagination.


(If you want to see what I talk about, what insights I share and what I am working on, you can follow me on Medium, on X and on LinkedIn)



George Junior Official

Increasing web3 adoption through copywriting | Decentralization supporter | Follow me to get objective insights in the industry