Actual Ambassador Programs in November, part 3

Published in
6 min readNov 26, 2023


Greetings dear readers! Another selection of Ambassador programs for you.

Read also:

1. Core Ambassador Program


A Bitcoin-powered, EVM-compatible blockchain that combines delegated Proof-of-Work and delegated Proof-of-Stake.

Program Details

The Core Ambassador Program is designed to empower and recognize community members who contribute actively to the Core ecosystem. The program is structured into three levels, each catering to different skill sets and levels of involvement within the web3 space.

The program is divided into 3 levels:

Level 1

Who are you?

  • Knowledgeable Core community member
  • Can explain complex concepts in a simple manner
  • Passionate about the Core brand
  • Committed to helping Core scale

What to do?

  • Create and translate content for the Core community (blog articles, threads, videos, tweets)
  • Ensure content is educational, engaging, and meaningful


  • Access to an exclusive content channel on Discord for early information
  • Exclusive NFT and potential CORE rewards

Level 2

Who are you?

  • Valuable member with connections in the web3 space
  • Highly communicative and well-versed in web3
  • Devrel experiences are a plus

What to do?

  • Host local meetups and attend conferences
  • Represent Core at events to attract new users and projects
  • Transmit confidence and be a trustworthy representative


  • Exclusive swag
  • Potential travels
  • Access to tools and resources from the team
  • Potential CORE rewards and an exclusive NFT

Level 3

Who are you?

  • Deeply technical member
  • Understands the technology behind Core, including its consensus mechanism and link to Bitcoin
  • Can be a dev, hacker, engineer, programmer, or have any tech-related role

What to do?

  • Provide technical support for the Core community
  • Create technical content (blog articles, threads, videos)
  • Attend hackathons and develop tools for the Core ecosystem
  • Opportunity to lead to a full-time role at Core DAO


  • Compensation according to contributions
  • Exposure from the Core main X account
  • Access to a dev-only channel with the team
  • Exclusive swag
  • Potential CORE rewards
  • An even more exclusive NFT

How to apply

Fill out the form at the link, it’s an updated form, if you’ve already left an application, go fill it out anyway.

Website | Twitter | Discord

2. AGNI Finance Ambassador Program


AGNI is a permissionless, AMM-based exchange that supercharges spot trades with concentrated liquidity within preferred price ranges for a customized trading experience, driving maximum gains at the lowest risks possible. It runs on Mantle Network, a modular Ethereum layer-2 blockchain that delivers hyperscale performance at low fees, while deriving its security from Ethereum.

Program Details

AGNI is actively seeking passionate individuals to join its Ambassador Program, acting as the driving force behind the community’s growth. Ambassadors will play a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralized exchange. The program welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds, including media, influencers, DAOs, developer communities, blockchain nodes, and web3 startups. The goal is to expand AGNI’s global influence, increase project awareness, and encourage participation from developers and related organizations.


  1. Engage and manage vibrant Discord and Telegram communities.
  2. Share project updates and industry insights, actively participating in discussions.
  3. Showcase leadership skills and contribute to the development of the AGNI ecosystem.


  • Build a network within the dynamic community and connect with fellow ambassadors.
  • Unlock fixed and performance-based rewards.
  • Opportunity for career growth — become an Ambassador Leader.
  • Exclusive rewards, including whitelist NFTs, community OG status, and more.
  • On-the-job training to enhance skills in decentralized finance.
  • Long-term cooperation with a revolutionary project.

How to apply

If you believe you have what it takes to be an outstanding AGNI Ambassador, you are invited to complete the application form below.

Website | Twitter | Discord

3. Prime+ Ambassadors Program


Prime Protocol is a cross-chain prime brokerage which allows users to borrow across chains backed by their entire portfolio of cross chain assets.

Program Details

The Prime+ Ambassadors Program marks a significant milestone in the mission to empower the Prime Protocol community. Ambassadors will play a pivotal role as the driving force behind the community, collaborating closely with the Prime team to elevate the project.

At launch, Ambassadors can join one of the following teams:

  1. Content Collective: Create guides, videos, memes, etc., to spread awareness about Prime.
  2. Research: Dive into integrations, explore other protocols, and identify opportunities for PRIME.
  3. Prime App Champions: Exclusively for community members actively using the Prime App.


  1. Content creation for spreading awareness.
  2. Research on integrations and opportunities for PRIME.
  3. Active use and promotion of the Prime App.


  • Shape the future of Prime by gaining real-world experience in community building.
  • Exclusive access to Discord Lounges reserved for full members.
  • Early opportunities to access bounties and beta test new products.
  • Priority consideration for feedback on the protocol.
  • Invitations to Prime’s events, both offline and online, connecting with fellow enthusiasts.
  • Prime Points (details not specified).

How to apply

To become a member of the Prime+ Ambassadors program:

Fill out the application form below.
The team is looking for cryptocurrency enthusiasts with various skills (designer, developer, community guru or experienced Prime App user).

Application Process

Successful applicants start as Prime+ Apprentices, forging stronger connections and making meaningful contributions. If the fit is great, they are promoted to the prestigious full ambassador rank.

Website | Twitter | Discord

Info taken from Vitrade telegram channel

4. Websea Ambassador Program


The Websea Ambassador Program is a cooperative initiative aimed at establishing connections with dedicated users of Websea globally. Ambassadors, being passionate and influential members of the Websea community, are tasked with raising awareness, sparking interest, fostering engagement, and broadening the Websea community. They act as intermediaries, connecting Websea with their local communities, facilitating global outreach, and contributing to community growth.

Program Details

Task Categories:

  1. Zealy Tasks
  2. Graphic, Video, Meme, Tutorial, Investment Research Report, and Other Creative Tasks
  3. Community Activation Tasks
  4. Special Tasks

Zealy Tasks: Tasks are categorized into one-time, daily, weekly, and special tasks. Each task has a unique point value, and participants earn points upon completion and verification by a Websea Community Manager. More information on Zealy tasks can be found here.

  1. One-time Tasks:

2. Daily Tasks:

  • Engage through promotional tweets
  • Share insights in other cryptocurrency communities
  • Create and share Websea-related memes and promotional posters

3. Weekly Tasks:

  • Create substantial content (videos, articles)
  • Complete weekly Gleam tasks
  • Invite people to join Websea’s online communities

4. Special Tasks:

  • Temporary tasks like guiding marketing campaigns
  • Assistance in user participation (e.g., Websea Army leading a marketing campaign)

5. Creative Tasks:

  • Adherence to Brand Guidelines
  • Correct and Positive Information
  • Tasks include Graphic, Video, Meme, Tutorial, Investment Research Report, and Other Creative Contributions.

6. Community Activation Tasks:

  • Be an active and engaged community member
  • Guide other users
  • Respond promptly to official announcements
  • Foster positive discussions within the community

7. Special Tasks (Details):

  • Higher Point Rewards
  • Stringent Review Criteria

Task Submission: After completing tasks, participants compile evidence (links and screenshots) in a Google Doc and submit the Doc’s link, along with their Websea UID, to the Community Manager, @eniitantheeg on Telegram.

Ranking and Reward System

Participants are ranked based on earned points each week, determining rewards:

  • 1st–5th place: 50u in WBS
  • 6th–10th place: 20u in WBS
  • 11th–20th place: 10u in WBS

Website | Twitter | Discord

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≡ Ambassador ☱ Community Leader ☲ Writer ☴