AI Crypto EXPLODES Due To Revolutionary Technology!

Coin On Wheel
6 min readFeb 18, 2023


We gotta talk about this huge AI war that’s, that’s going on right now. Ai, we’ve been hearing nothing about it for, for quite some time, and then all of a sudden, boom, everyone is talking about it. Right? And the biggest thing, the biggest, I guess, name in AI has to be chat G B T. Once chat, g p t came out, it hit the world like, okay, AI is.

Here and it’s actually useful and it actually works. All previous times before we hear about AI and we see robots, but we don’t really get any use out of them. But now people are figuring out it still daily seems like people figure out how to. Approach chat G b T in a way that can actually make you money and make your life useful.

And that is why Microsoft decided to buy 49% steak in chat, gpt. They know, we’re just, barely scratching the surface. And of course, Google is so worried about this because Google, of course, has like a 90. Percentage share in search. And of course they control the, the ad space, right?

And they control YouTube, right? They control a whole bunch of stuff and they don’t wanna lose because if they start losing it, bing, well that’s, that’s the beginning of the end for them, right? That is why they decided to invest in this AI firm called Tropic. So they’re putting a 300 million in. into this, AI firm, which is essentially doing the same thing.

But, you know, they’re, they’re trying to create this new assistant that will do the same thing that chat G B D does. But it does seem like they’re. , they’re really behind. Right? But Google wants to make sure they’re on top of it. And there’s a lot of rumors about Google, you know, deploying a whole bunch of internal teams to this cuz they don’t wanna, they don’t wanna lose their edge to Microsoft, to bing, to anyone else that a lot of crypto projects that are involved with AI have been pumping.

All pure speculation at this point. There’s like no official partnerships or anything like that, but people are thinking, well, if the big tech giants aren’t getting involved with the AI so much, then it’s just a matter of time. Crypto, you know, somehow integrates or partners up, or there’s some kind of collaboration, something that happens, right, relating to crypto, right?

This is the reason why I believe. Pumped 55% today. Now, when chat g b T was getting popular and Microsoft decided to invest in them, singularity also pumped. But today you could see it pumped quite a lot. 55%. Founders of, they’re the founders of Sophia, the humanoid robot. Now, she made a big splash years ago because, you know, she.

She was marketed everywhere on all the late night talk shows, and you could have a conversation with her and, and supposedly she was the very first robot to get citizenship at, at some kind of country or whatever. You don’t hear about her anymore. I don’t know what happened to Sophia, but the, the creators behind Sophia, obviously in ai, obviously in robotics, right?

They’re the ones that created and singular net. , you boil it down to just two things really. One thing, singularity 99 is really an AI marketplace, okay? So if you do have like some kind of AI project that you are developing and you want to say, sell it to someone else, you could put an AI marketplace and, and others could take a look at it and they want to use your core code or some kind of, um, some kind of data that you’re sharing, right?

They can use it within their product. It’s just a giant AI marketplace. Right. And then they also have a AI publisher, which is basically you, publish your, findings or whatever your documents, your research, right? And then you could also stake their tokens. But essentially it’s a giant AI marketplace.

They actually have a few projects that’s already on top of it. Okay. Well, a lot of it’s their own, like senior letter. Do, Sophia verse. . Okay. Which is actually an NFT based game. Who knows? Maybe Google, maybe this, you know, this, uh, entropic, anthro pick, I mean, and maybe Chat GPT. They decide to share their data.

The other one is, fetch Ai. They’re not in card, but they’re in Cosmos ecosystem. And again, they’re in the AI space, but they’re different. They’re, they’re really like a, their own . Okay. and what’s unique about them is they have what they call agents. And these agents are basically like agents of smart contracts where they will actually detect like certain events and they will do certain events based on how you want ’em to, right?

But they will automatically do it for you. And supposedly over time they get smarter because they will learn. Right? Kind of like a. Bot, so to speak. So they’re like , they’re like a L one project that has AI bots that you can program and they will get smarter over time. So that, that’s kind of how, how they are, right?

So they’re not, AI marketplace like similarity. They’re just, there’s more. So like a AI project to simplify what graph does it indexes and categorize data. , okay. For chains and for projects for data retrieval, and helps those projects offer APIs so that other projects can fetch that data. Okay?

Essentially, that’s what it does. They call it Google block chains because it indexes basically whatever’s within a chain, and then it looks at all the Ds and stuff like that, right? But then it offers those Ds ability to create APIs, so other Ds can. Retrieve data. That’s essentially what the graph is all about.

They’re a promising project. I have covered ’em before. I’ve always thought they were kind of neutral, but they are definitely pumping up because the AI craze right now. Right? And here’s some interesting facts. As of Q4, 20 22 618 sub graph have migra migrated from the grass holding system to Desen decentralized network.

They are now on arbitrary. They started out with Ethereum. I believe that’s the correct, yeah, I believe that is correct. And you can see their quarries and indexes and everything else has been going up. Right. So overall, they’re moving in the right direction. Last week they set a new record, the highest number of DA querying in the past two months.

You have 129 unique D query in the network. 2.2 million queried. Right. So good numbers. Solid numbers, right? They have also, yes, they have basically moved to Arbitrar as well as all those other chains that I did mention. Right. So they, they are all over the place. Right. So that’s the graph in a nutshell.

They’ve been around for quite some. and, you know, right now they’re doing very well. So that’s good for people that have gotten into it. But you know, as, as for whether or not they’re really into a no, but you know what, maybe, maybe they will be in the future.

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