Answers to 6 questions-7

Get Diffusion
3 min readJun 14, 2022


Question 1

Will DiffusionDAO launch more NFTs?

Answer 1

Other than existing NFTs from DiffusionDAO, we will also be launching social NFTs. In the future, we will launch other NFT series, these NFTs represent different meanings, more like a representation of identity.

Question 2

Will the development of DiffusionDAO go according to plan? Will you launch more modes? and other participating methods?

Answer 2

The development masterplan of DiffusionDAO has been announced, as long as the main direction of the plan does not alter, we will make minor adjustment to the development and not be stubborn on the development plan, flexible on the development, being reasonable on the flexibility is the right choice.

Question 3

Will DiffusionDAO continue to develop? like 3? or 5 years?

Answer 3

The aim of DifffusionDAO is to become a joint reserve system in Web 3.0, Before Web 3.0 officially arrives, we will continue to work towards that goal and as Web 3.0 arrives, we believe is the real moment we will shine. It is a long journey to go.

Question 4

When other DAO organizations collaborate with DiffusionDAO, in what kind of realm and arena?

Answer 4

In the masterplan of DiffusionDAO, we will be collaborating with other DAO organizations, and enriching each other’s ecosystem. At the same time, we encourage users within our ecosystem to develop their own DAO organization within DiffusionDAO. Our main goal is to become a finance cornerstone in the ecosystem, plus this is only one goal, there are many more win-win situations where we can all work together to perfect our common ecosystem!

Question 5

Why are there so many stages of Air Drop?

Answer 5

The current DFS is not online and Airdropping DFSsl is to expand the attention element in one of the three elements in order to advance and improve the attention of DiffusionDAO. Giving ecological value in advance, so more and more people pay attention to DiffusionDAO, and the role of DFSsl is also reflected.

Question 6

As for a small investors, what recommendations does DiffusionDAO has?

Answer 6

DiffusionDAO welcomes everyone to join, you do not need to purchase many. IDO purchase of PDFS is recommended, and depositing it into the DiffusionDAO savings system as soon as it goes online. Given a certain amount of time, the rate of return will definitely exceed your imagination. Pay attention to the official announcements, we will provide more ways to participate in the event in the follow-up.

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