Aksha Agarwal
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2023


As a passionate NFT collector, I decided to dive into this fascinating world and share my journey of successfully selling my first NFTs in just a month. In this blog, I’ll take you through the strategies I employed.

  • Discord : Discord is a widely used platform for NFT enthusiasts and artists alike. To begin my NFT journey, I joined several Discord groups centered around NFTs, blockchain, and art. Engaging in these communities allowed me to learn from experienced creators and gain insights into the market’s trends and demands. Actively participating in discussions, sharing my explored art collections, and asking for feedback from the community helped me build rapport and connections.
  • Telegram: Similar to Discord, Telegram groups played a significant role in selling NFTs. I sought out NFT-specific Telegram groups, where I could interact with a broader audience and potential collectors. Engaging in constructive conversations and showcasing the art portfolio on these platforms was a great way to build anticipation and curiosity around upcoming NFT drops.
  • Twitter Trending Hashtag Engagements : Twitter proved to be a powerful tool in increasing the visibility of the NFTs. I utilized trending NFT-related hashtags to amplify my reach and attract potential buyers. By sharing sneak peeks of my collection, behind-the-scenes stories, I managed to build anticipation and enthusiasm among my followers.
  • Building Communities on Every Social Media Platform
    In addition to Discord, Telegram, and Twitter, I made sure to have a presence on various other social media platforms like Linkedin and Facebook Groups and Reddit. Each platform presented a unique opportunity to connect with different audiences and build a diverse community of supporters. Consistency was key as I regularly shared updates, process videos, and exclusive content to keep my followers engaged.
  • Listing on Marketplaces: To sell NFTs, I needed to list them on popular marketplaces where collectors frequently browse and purchase digital assets. I chose Opensea, SolSea, and Rarible due to their large user bases and reputation in the NFT space. These platforms allowed me to showcase my work to a global audience and tap into the existing user base of NFT enthusiasts and collectors.
  • Follow NFT Influencers: (check my other blog to know who to follow - https://medium.com/@aksha.agarwal08/nft-influencers-on-twitter-follow-and-stay-updated-7c219af8c18b)

Pro tip : If you have the NFT knowledge that you want to share around, do try out working as a freelance Community Moderator on Discord. You can look for vacancies paying on per hour basis here: https://www.upwork.com/ or https://www.fiverr.com

For aspiring NFT creators, I would emphasize the importance of building genuine connections within the NFT community, staying consistent in content creation, and continuously improving your craft. The NFT space is constantly evolving, and success requires adaptability and a willingness to learn from others. Selling NFTs is not just about the art; it’s also about fostering relationships and building a supportive network that will champion your work.

As the NFT market continues to grow, there will undoubtedly be more opportunities for artists and creators to find success. With dedication, passion, and a strategic approach, anyone can achieve their NFT goals and make their mark in this exciting digital landscape.

Do check in my collection here : opensea.io/aksh10




Aksha Agarwal

Talks about #crypto #nft #web3 #strategies #skills - open for gigs - reach out to me on aksha.agarwal08@gmail.com