Being an ambassador! (+ 10 best projects so far!)

Bert Bosman
8 min readJul 16, 2018


Is this the new 21st century mindset?

We are living in interesting times. For some time now you don’t have to go through a complete job application process to find a place in the world of inspiration and ambition or to surround yourself with a team of likeminded minds and go ‘work on a product’. No… these days you can just get started and be part of an (online) community, or just as easily be an ambassador for the project you like. And there are lots of opportunities…

even if you are not a developer!

In the process of interacting with projects you can make interesting connections, learn a lot about what’s going on in crypto and work it from there. Already many times I’ve heard from people in the crypto-space that ‘actual real jobs’ follow from these efforts, which I think is a very cool development.

If you want to have a chat about this, you can find me and my fellow crypto-enthusiasts in the community of Blockdam. We have co-working Tuesdays too in which you can interact with our community…

There are many ways to participate and most of the crypto-projects are willing to help new and motivated community members to give them a head start. After all, the more people join the community, the better it is for the token price, isn’t it? ;)

A lot of times you can earn tokens as bounties for your participation, whether it’s by tweeting, posting articles, organising meet-ups, testing out new applications, or helping out with providing valid information in telegram-groups… there is a place for everyone to start.

Off course I’ve heard some critique about this too. “It’s like doing a job and getting paid less for it…”, somebody said to me. Yes, you can see it like this I guess, but I don’t necessarily agree with the perspective. I would like to see the development mostly as a new opportunity for people to get ahead in the world, without limitations or restrictions. Do you agree with this vision, or not… and why? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Below is a list with ten possible ambassador-programs. They are the best programs I’ve found so far. It is not a complete list, so if you find cool additions, or maybe another project should earn a spot in the top-10? Let me know in the comments and I’ll check them out as soon as possible and maybe add them to the list later.

In alphabetical and therefore random order…

Aeternity’s Æmbassador Program!

The ambassador program from Aeternity does not give you tokens, but they do provide you with a lot of other stuff. What support will you receive?

1. An AEmbassador kit with relevant materials to help you present æternity in the best possible way. 2. A meetup 101 - with logistic and organisational suggestions and friendly support for your event. 3. A blockchain technical training in the form of a Skype session to understand what smart-contracts, state channels, decentralised oracles, and identity management systems are and the use-cases they can enable. 4. Access to a global network of motivated entrepreneurs.

I did not participate in this program myself ( yet ; ), but this really does seem like a interesting offer! Maybe something to follow up on!


The whole goal of the Aragon Monthly is to be a newspaper that is community curated. They wish to invite everyone to submit interesting news items, articles and classified ads through the Aragon-monthly repository! The only downside here, in my opinion.. that it’s actually quite complicated as a non-developer or beginner to interact with this Github-thing. Maybe it’s something that you can change? I would suggest to get involved straight away.


I’ve already written an extensive post about this earlier. With the Blockstack Contribution program there are many ways to earn stacks. For me it’s by far the best and most accessible program I’ve ran into, being a non-developer. The only downside is that there’s no actual payment yet, since the blockchain is still in Testnet-phase. But in cryptoland we’ve already learned to be patient… so just work the program and meanwhile HODL on! ;)


The co-founders of ConcourseQ and the Concourse Open Community want to try a completely different experiment. They have been building an open community, and helped by the broader community they’re exposing ICO scams at a surprisingly high rate. What’s next? A for-profit effort to create a scam-free dapp discovery site. Anyone can contribute to Dapped and earn equity tokens. All Dapped owners become invested in the success of decentralised games and the ecosystem that is building them.


The Cindicator Creative Challenge is all about video. You can be as creative as you want: demos, interviews, animation - anything! Two key points: make sure your video is at least 1 minute long and that it shares your unique experience. The challenge will run until August 31st, so you have some time. Check out the rules and prizes here. They are planning an ambassador programme for the community too by the way, so stay tuned!


For their Privacy Awareness Campaign the Datafund will allocate 30,000,000 DEX tokens. They intend to build a strong community and reward their members for spreading awareness about the ever-growing importance of data privacy and the Datafund project itself. So go check them out and spread the word!


The Datum Bounty Program with over $100,000 USD bounties is now available to the cryptocurrency community. All you need to do is write, talk and share about Datum in your social accounts and you will earn DAT tokens as reward. Interviews for the Country ambassadorships are currently in progress. If you’d like to apply, there just might still be time.


At Elastos they seem to do everything for and by the community, which I think is beautiful. You can write or participate in the infographic contest for instance that runs through August 15th. The video contest submission period has just ended, but here are the top 10 finalists. And they’re hiring full-time and part-time community members for technical and non-technical positions! Yes, you heard that perfectly fine. It is Community Recruitment. Way to commit to a project. I know they’ve got a ambassador recruitment program also.. so be quick and go ask about it here for instance!


Help the Komodo platform to crowdsource and decentralize their content creation. Share opportunities to work with the platform or choose to do some of the work yourself. There is a 25.000$ KMD bounty for this! Yes, this campaign could indeed be a little bit more open and accessible. Maybe it is something that you can help out with? ;)


There is a real Livepeer community node active, where you can stake your tokens and all earnings will go ‘ back to the community ’. This seems like a very interesting development, although I must admit, I did not find any time yet to have a look and check it out. If you have some more news on how this community node actually works (or not ; ), let me and others know in the comments! Also read Livepeer for beginners first…

And yes.. that was it already. I hope you feel inspired to participate and are happy with this list. Otherwise you might want to participate with this article too and start…

… adding to the list!

I’m aware that there is a little bit of overlap in ‘the general subject’ of being an ambassador. The line between being a contributor to the community, and being an actual ambassador is very thin. But I feel like that is a good thing. You want to have people participating with your product first and if they enjoy it, or if they want to do extra work, then you should give them that opportunity. We all have to start from somewhere, don’t we? ;)

For all projects in the list also counts: if you have participated, please share your thoughts in the comments, so others can learn from your experiences.

Do you have really nice additions to this list? Please add them in the comments! I’ll go and check out the project, possible add them and remove another, and I’ll also keep track of the stuff that has been removed in this list.

If you start interacting for the first time in crypto-space: Enjoy the trip and beware! because you just might end up on the moon somewhere! ;)

If you like this article you can sent me some free4you-LIKE-coin via this link! :)

Projects that did not make the list ( yet ; ) or were taken of …

  • Ethlend. Who wants to be an ETHLend Ambassador? During the test period there’ll be tasks based on which your suitability will be evaluated.
  • EOS. Have you been following the development and launch of EOSIO? Do the words “cleos,” “nodeos” and “keosd” mean anything? Then maybe you like to apply to be a Technical Mentor for future EOS Hackathons.
  • LBRY. New app users can claim over 40 LBC in rewards by completing tasks in the app, so check out the LBRY rewards page for the latest details and amounts. Interacting with the product is the first step into being an ambassador, but unfortunately the participation seems to stop there…
  • POA likes to thank all applicants who applied to the POA Ambassador Programme. Once they officially launch the programme later this year they will resume accepting applications for candidates so they can accelerate the growth of the POA community.
  • Rootstock seems to have a really cool ambassador program also. The only downside here is, there is only an application form! This lacks a way to get involved in a permissionless way and to start contributing. A lot more people would probably get involved if they would remove this barrier and I hope they will change it, since I really like the project.
  • Viewly. The creator rewards program is a token distribution program. You can deliver content in which the token holders place votes on the best submissions. Simply put, creators are being paid directly for posting high-value, engaging content. From July 25th on it’s open to the general public, so there’s some time to dive into this!
  • Zeepin announced their Community Contribution Program, but the requirements are a bit to high to get started. If you disagree and have a different opinion, explain to me why we should definitely check this program out!

