Beyond the Buzz: A Practical Guide to Web3 Content Marketing Success

Abimbola Abe
7 min readMar 1, 2023


Picture this: You’ve just launched your new web3 project and are excited to share it with the world.

You have a great website, social media accounts, and even a few early adopters.

But as you plan your next piece of content, you draw a blank.

What should you post about next?

You don’t want to churn out generic blog posts or social media updates that blend in with the noise.

You want to stand out in the crowded web3 industry and make an impact.

Don’t worry; we’ve all been there.

In this post, I’ll share 7 content ideas that will help you create engaging content and build your brand in the world of web3.

Video Content

Have you ever tried to explain a complex concept to someone only to see their eyes glaze over in confusion?

That’s where video content comes in.

With the rise of the web3 industry, video has become essential for businesses to communicate their ideas and showcase their products or services.

Imagine you have a new web3 product that solves a problem that people don’t even know they have yet.

You could write a long blog post about it, but most people won’t take the time to read it.

However, a short video explaining the problem and how your product solves it could be just what your audience needs to understand and appreciate your product.

Video content also allows you to give your audience a glimpse of the human element behind your business.

You can introduce your team, show how your product is made, or even take your audience behind the scenes of a big project.

This humanizes your business and makes it more relatable, building trust with your audience.

Another benefit of video content is its ability to reach a wider audience.

With platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, you can easily create and share your video content with millions of people around the world.

This can increase your brand’s visibility and engagement with potential customers.

In summary, video content is a powerful tool for businesses in the web3 industry to communicate complex concepts, showcase their products, and build trust with their audience.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of video in your content marketing strategy.

Run Contests

Contests are a great way to stand out in a crowded market and excite your audience about your brand.

By running a contest, you can engage your existing audience and attract new followers and customers.

One popular type of contest in the web3 industry is a giveaway.

You can offer a prize related to your business, such as a free subscription to your service or a product sample.

Encourage people to enter by sharing the contest on social media and making participation easy.

Another option is to run a quiz related to your business or industry.

This can help educate your audience while also increasing engagement.

Ensure the quiz is easy to take and share the results on social media to encourage others to participate.

A photo contest is another fun option to generate user-generated content for your brand.

Encourage your audience to share photos of your business, such as using your product or attending your event.

This can help increase brand awareness and showcase your customers’ creativity.

When running a contest, follow the rules and regulations related to your industry and platform.

And don’t forget to promote the contest through your social media channels, email marketing, and website to reach as many people as possible.

With the right approach, running a contest can be a fun and effective way to engage your audience and grow your brand in the web3 industry.

User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) has become essential to the web3 industry’s marketing strategy.

The beauty of UGC is that it is created by customers who are genuinely interested in your product or service.

UGC can take many forms, such as reviews, testimonials, social media posts, or videos.

This content is authentic and relatable and can be a powerful way to showcase your brand.

One example of successful UGC in the web3 industry is the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

The Dogecoin community has a strong presence on social media platforms, with users creating memes, videos, and other content related to the cryptocurrency.

This content has helped increase brand awareness and even influenced Dogecoin's price.

Encouraging your customers to create UGC related to your business can help you build a loyal following, generate brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.

You can create a hashtag related to your brand, offering incentives for customers who create content or simply asking them to share their experiences with your product or service.

Reposting UGC on your website or social media pages can give your customers the spotlight and make them feel valued.

It can also help you increase your brand’s visibility, as your customers’ followers and friends will likely see and engage with the content.

UGC is a powerful way to showcase your brand in the web3 industry.

Encouraging your customers to create content related to your business can help you build a loyal following, generate brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.

Reposting UGC can also help you increase your brand’s visibility and give your customers the spotlight they deserve.

Sharing Tips and Tricks

Imagine you are a web3 enthusiast and stumbled upon a social media post that says “5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Web3 Presence”.

You click on the post, and it takes you to a blog article that explains how to optimize your web3 business in just a few simple steps.

The first tip recommends using a web3-based payment gateway to accept cryptocurrency payments.

The second tip suggests creating a web3 wallet to store your digital assets securely.

The third tip advises using decentralized storage solutions to protect your data from breaches.

The fourth tip recommends following reputable sources to stay updated with the latest web3 trends.

And the fifth tip suggests using social media platforms like Twitter and Discord to connect with other members of the web3 community.

You find these tips helpful and implement them into your web3 business strategy.

As a result, you will notice increased sales, improved security, and a stronger online presence.

By sharing short tips or tricks related to your business, you can provide value to your audience while establishing your brand as a trusted authority in the web3 industry.

Calendar of Events

It’s important to note that events are a great way to build a community around your brand in the web3 industry.

In addition to sharing your events, you can include industry events relevant to your audience.

This shows that you are plugged into the industry and provide value to your audience by keeping them informed about important events and opportunities.

When creating a calendar of events, include all relevant details such as date, time, location (if applicable), and a brief description of what attendees can expect.

You can also include links to register or purchase tickets, making it easy for your audience to take action.

Sharing your calendar of events through social media or email newsletters can be a great way to increase visibility and generate interest.

Consider partnering with other businesses or influencers in the web3 industry to co-promote events, which can expand your reach even further.

Finally, following up after events and continuing the conversation with attendees is essential.

This can be done through email newsletters or social media to help build long-term relationships with your audience.

By sharing a calendar of events and engaging with attendees, you can establish your brand as a valuable resource in the web3 industry.

Q&A Sections

This approach can also help address any common questions or concerns your audience may have about your product or service.

By providing clear and concise answers to these questions, you can help potential customers overcome any hesitations or objections and ultimately drive conversions.

In addition to addressing common questions and concerns, you can use Q&A sections to provide insights and perspectives on industry trends or current events.

This can position your brand as a thought leader and contribute to ongoing conversations in your industry.

Another benefit of Q&A sections is that they provide a way to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

By directly addressing their questions and concerns, you show that you care about their needs and are committed to providing value to them.

This can help build loyal following and foster long-term relationships with your customers.

Expert Interviews

Expert interviews are a valuable way to add credibility and authority to your web3 content marketing efforts.

When you interview industry experts or thought leaders, you’re providing your audience with valuable insights and showcasing your knowledge and authority in the field.

To start, identify key experts in your industry and reach out to them for an interview.

You can do this through email, social media, or attending events where they speak.

Once you’ve secured an interview, prepare a list of questions highlighting their expertise and providing value to your audience.

During the interview, actively listen to their responses and ask follow-up questions.

This will not only help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic, but it will also make for a more engaging and informative interview.

After the interview, transcribe the conversation and use it as the basis for a blog post, podcast episode, or video.

By featuring expert opinions, you demonstrate your industry knowledge and provide valuable insights to your audience.

Additionally, when the interview is published, promote it on social media and other channels to maximize its reach and engagement.

As a Web3 marketer in the web3 industry, I aim to help businesses like yours create valuable, engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Using tactics like video content, user-generated content, and expert interviews, we can establish your brand as a thought leader in the industry and drive engagement with your audience.

Let's chat if you’re ready to take your content marketing to the next level!

Contact me at to schedule a consultation and learn how to create a content strategy tailored to your unique business needs.

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Abimbola Abe

Documenting my transition Journey into Web3 || Web3 enthusiast and digital marketer. Experienced community manager and writer.