Bing is Going after Google Search — With ChatGPT

Neeraj Ravi
3 min readJan 5, 2023


The ChatGPT chatbot from OpenAI will purportedly be integrated into Microsoft’s Bing search engine, enabling it to respond to requests with whole sentences rather than a list of links.

By introducing the new feature by the end of March, Microsoft hopes to gain a competitive advantage over Google, its primary search opponent.

Microsoft will also be seeking a return on its $1 billion investment in OpenAI from the previous year.

How Bing will incorporate OpenAI’s tech is not yet known.

Here is what we know about the collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI, as well as how the programme can improve Bing search.

The Partnership of Microsoft and OpenAI

The announcement in October 2022 that Microsoft was in discussions to make a second, tens of billions of dollar investment in the AI industry is largely responsible for the attention the cooperation between Microsoft and OpenAI has received in the tech sector.

An agreement to incorporate some GPT components into Bing was part of Microsoft’s initial investment in OpenAI in 2019.

Since that time, Microsoft and OpenAI have been working together to find ways to incorporate GPT into Bing to enhance user experience, however it is unclear whether the present version of GPT will power the service.

In 2021, OpenAI released GPT-3, and the ChatGPT utility used GPT-3.5, an improved version.

How Microsoft is Utilizing OpenAI

The cloud services of OpenAI are currently being used by Microsoft in products that enable people to create text, code, and imagery using simple instructions and to train machine learning models using internet data.

The technologies of OpenAI have been implemented into a few of Microsoft’s enterprise customer apps. In the context of its Azure server and compute-power renting service, the company also makes GPT-3 and Dall-E 2 available to enterprise customers.

Microsoft introduced Copilot in June 2022, a subscription service that employs OpenAI’s capabilities to let software professionals generate code autonomously.

The connection with Bing that looks to be the next step in the cooperation between OpenAI and Microsoft raises a number of questions because these models can occasionally provide offensive or erroneous results.

Even Google has been cautious to roll out a chatbot like ChatGPT despite its many AI improvements. What gives Microsoft such confidence that it can include ChatGPT into Bing search without jeopardising the reputation and trust of users?

Microsoft has not stated how it will prevent errors or issues with offensive content, such as those with its Tay chatbot in 2016.

Attempts to reach Microsoft spokespersons for comment on this article were not immediately successful.

It’s important to note that OpenAI plans to impose fees for ChatGPT in the future, similar to the costs it charges developers that use GPT to build text-generating bots. As a result, Bing might end up being the only free gateway to GPT.

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Neeraj Ravi

Self-taught growth hacker | I write about my learnings and the best practices | Interested in technologies