Blockchain Jobs Are Booming: Here Is A List Of Jobs You Can Do (You Must Not Code)

Emmanuel Uchenna Enemuo
5 min readAug 31, 2022


Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

It is no longer news that the idea of Blockchain is going mainstream on daily basis, although some people are still skeptical about this evolution, forward-thinking individuals and companies are upgrading their workforce with people equipped with the necessary skills, in other not to be left behind.

This is no time to doubt the viability of blockchain technology, but it is a time to do your research, upgrade your skills and reposition yourself in a way to be relevant in what I call “the new world order”.

The beauty of blockchain technology is that you don’t need to be tech savvy before you can leverage it- this evolution provides career opportunities for almost every other profession. From lawyers to data analysts, mental health workers, marketers, salespersons, writers, etc.

If you are looking for a Job or an industry that will give you financial freedom, or the opportunity to work at your own pace, then the blockchain industry is a good spot for you. While it needs consistency, it also does not slave you around. It guarantees you thousands of dollars annually when you engage in the technical aspect and something lesser when you perform less technical roles.

Blockchain technology provides opportunities for both tech-savvy and non-tech individuals. In this article, I made a list of some job opportunities available in the blockchain space. The aim is to open your mind to how you too can be relevant in the space, what you should do to reposition yourself, and the skill sets needed to be a top performer in the industry.

Tech Opportunities In The Blockchain Industry

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

These are the main individuals behind the many blockchain products and services we see today. They write the codes, design the network, build the decentralized apps, analyze the security risks and engage in a host of other technical-related jobs.

  • The Blockchain Architects- Responsible for designing a blockchain project, mapping out both the procedures to follow and the business aspect of the project. They also collaborate with other team members such as the developers, designers, and engineers in achieving the project goals.
  • Blockchain Engineers- Among other roles, a blockchain engineer is responsible for implementing, analyzing, and creating a digital blockchain for a project solution.
  • Blockchain Developers- These guys are programmers who create decentralized applications for blockchain companies.
  • Blockchain UX Designer- Blockchain designers are responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting blockchain-focused websites and app interfaces. Making it friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Blockchain Project Manager- A project manager organizes and manages multiple projects and events.
  • Information security Analyst- The security analyst research and plan against any network breakdown or security threat in the system. They are on the constant lookout for any bridge of network in the system before it brings damage in form of loss of money or trust.

(Note that some of these roles overlap, but it is important to niche down and be specific with what skill you have to offer, this will help you reach your potential employers very fast.)

Less technical roles include; Blockchain Legal Consultant, Research analyst, Marketing Specialist, Development Representatives, etc.

Non-Tech Opportunities

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Non-tech roles don’t require you to write codes or solve the mathematics behind blockchain, but they are relevant and help blockchain companies and communities reach their goals. They are basic skills you already have. (Note: For you to do well, you need an understanding of blockchain and how it works.)

Some of these roles include;

  • Financial Analysts: Individuals with broad knowledge in financial analysis, can start offering their service to blockchain companies since these companies are always on the lookout for financial advice.
  • Technical writers: Technical writers simplify blockchain terms and jargon, making it understandable for the average user.
  • Public relations officers: As a public relation officer, you help blockchain companies maintain a good relationship with their customers.
  • Content writers. Most blockchain projects need the service of a content writer to provide their customers and readers with quality informational, educative, and entertaining content.
  • Community managers. Community managers maintain relationships with community members of a blockchain community.
  • Graphic designers. They design graphic representations of what the blockchain projects aim at, their logos, fliers, stickers, etc.
  • Event managers/hosts. As an event manager, you can host and manage events for different blockchain projects.
  • Blockchain Recruiters. Just like the HR of different companies, the recruiters are responsible for identifying and screening potential blockchain candidates.
  • Social media Managers. You manage the social media account of these brands and also create engaging content for their followers.
  • Artist. If you are good at drawing, then you can channel your skills into creating NFTs.
  • Blockchain Media. Many have become successful just by running their own media firm and providing people with relevant updates and information on different blockchain projects. If you are good at media you can consider owning a blockchain or crypto-based media.

Where You can work

I know that many questions are in your mind now, and one of them is “where can I work” the truth is that blockchain opportunities abound everywhere. Apart from being employed by a blockchain project, other fin-tech companies that felt threatened by the blockchain technology are massively employing blockchain-skilled individuals, in other not to go out of business. Also, the government is recruiting blockchain experts, to help them make informed decisions on blockchain and Cryptocurrency. In addition, big companies like banks, financial institutions, oil & gas firms, insurance, as well as law firms that want to keep up with the technology need blockchain experts.


One thing you must bear in mind is that blockchain technology evolves likewise the opportunities therein. It accommodates everyone, but for you to be successful, you need to consistently update your skill. Make up your mind to start, understand where you are, and what you’re doing, and augment it with the necessary skills.

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