Blockchain Technology: Medium’s Key to Resilience, Sustainability, and Security

Daniel Diep
3 min readJan 26, 2023


Blockchain technology has been making waves in various industries, from finance to supply chain management. One area that has yet to fully embrace the technology is the world of content creation and publishing. Medium, a popular online publishing platform, could greatly benefit from integrating blockchain technology and cryptocurrency payments. A big advantage of blockchain is its decentralized nature. This means that there is no central authority controlling the platform, making it more resilient to censorship and outside interference. For Medium, this could mean a more open and democratic platform where writers and readers have more control over the content and distribution.

Another benefit of blockchain technology is its ability to facilitate micropayments, something Medium could improve upon with their platform. With Medium, this could mean that readers could financially support their favorite writers by sending them small amounts of cryptocurrency for their content and everyone would be able to see the transactions; whereas it’s not currently so open with the PayPal system in place for tips currently. This would provide an alternative revenue stream for writers, allowing them to be less reliant on advertising and sponsored content.

Not only would Medium be more open due to decentralization but, blockchain technology can also help with issues of plagiarism and copyright infringement. By using blockchain, Medium could create an immutable record of content ownership, making it easier to track and enforce copyright laws. This would not only protect the rights of writers, but also ensure that readers have access to high-quality, original content. Something that I find seems to be lacking in some areas, such as the “Make $100 a day doing THIS” articles, those tend to get a little lackluster and repetitive over time because it’s all a repeat of information at this point.

Incorporating blockchain technology could also help Medium with data privacy and security. By using blockchain, Medium could create a more secure platform where user data is protected from outside interference and breaches. This would give users more control over their personal information and help to build trust in the platform. In today’s era, it seems as though nobody, not even companies are safe from data breaches. Giving Medium’s user base a calming sense of mind when they log into their account knowing their credentials won’t be stolen is just priceless.

Medium has the potential to become a more open, and a financially sustainable platform by integrating blockchain technology and cryptocurrency payments. While it is true that blockchain is still a relatively new technology and there may be some challenges to overcome, the benefits it can bring are undeniable. As blockchain technology and cryptocurrency continue to mature, it is likely that more platforms will start to explore the benefits of integrating them if Medium doesn’t. This will leave Medium in a dire predicament if they don’t get on board.

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Daniel Diep

As a passionate and dedicated Marine, Daniel has dedicated his life to serving his country and protecting the freedoms of others.