Can the Metaverse be Hacked? Cybersecurity Issues in the Metaverse

Dare Adegoriolu
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2022


A lot of writings have focused on the prospects and opportunities in the metaverse. As much as it is nice to look forward to these prospects, it is also important that we weigh its cons. My focus in this article is to look at how security will pan out in the metaverse.

Specifically, I pointed out some of the most prominent security issues that users will face. Some of these issues are already in existence and will only become more pronounced, while others will take new dimensions compared to what is currently the norm.

Without wasting more time, I will like to dive right in. Shall we?

First, the Metaverse can be Hacked

The first thing you should know is that the metaverse can be hacked. The metaverse is a virtual world that relies on the internet infrastructure, just that it offers an immersive, interpersonal level to human interactions.

As a result, bad actors will try to gain access to the metaverse in order to exploit it and manipulate users. We could say that the metaverse will be just another avenue for scammers, fraudsters, and hackers to exploit, just as they have penetrated the internet. Therefore, the metaverse, with its good intentions, will also need to tighten its security at all times to prevent these malicious entities from perpetrating their heinous acts.

Cybersecurity Issues in the Metaverse

Some of the cybersecurity issues that metaverse projects will have to deal with are discussed below:

Identity Theft

All users in the metaverse will have to own an avatar that will represent them in the virtual world. Realistically, these avatars are mere representations of the individual, and in no way will they reveal the face of the real user. Although this is not to say that users cannot be traced as they would already have their digital footprint in the metaverse.

But, here is the problem. What happens when a user logs out of the metaverse only to come back to notice that certain activities had taken place in their absence, while it appears that the user performed such acts? This is the problem of identity theft.

Hackers could find a way to compromise a metaverse, and take on the identity of another person (using their avatar) while they carry out their heinous acts. This then means that all of these activities would only be traceable to the victim, giving the hacker a perfect camouflage in the act.

The ramification of identity theft in the metaverse further goes beyond an individual victim. A hacker, upon taking up a new identity, could use this identity to scam other users whom a victim closely relates with in the metaverse. These could be business associates, playmates, colleagues, or even family members.

Cyber Bullying

This is already a big issue in the web2 space and increasing, complaints are being raised about threats and abuses. This could become more pronounced in the metaverse. This type of bully will become more real due to the immersion of the metaverse. Users will feel threat come home close and this could have consequences for mental health. This is something we need to be prepared for as more mental health issues could arise. Stress will increase and possibly, harassment.

Privacy Invasion

The metaverse is part of the broader web3 vision of a decentralised world, but unlike cryptocurrencies, the metaverse is solely within the control of companies who build these virtual worlds.

This then raises the question of user privacy and the protection of user data. Just as giant tech companies have become custodians of user data, metaverse projects will also become a hub for user data. Companies will be able to collect user data on every activity they take in the world, what they do, where they go, their hobbies, and all. These data could then be used to target them for ad placements. This will even be more prominent as more top brands keep venturing into the metaverse.

At the moment, there is no established regulatory framework to protect user data and privacy in the metaverse. If we are to predict what is to come based on what is attainable at the moment, metaverse projects might be the next hub for big tech domination as they can easily exploit user data by invading their privacy.

Fraud in the Metaverse

This in some way relates to privacy invasion. Hackers will be able to gain access to victims’ personal data if they are able to hack a network. This implies that personal data such as credit card details could be stolen. This poses a big threat to the right to privacy.

What is the Way Out?

Metaverse projects will have to tighten the security of their network and be on the constant hunt to shut out all forms of threats that might show up. This will follow the pattern of what is currently attainable among web2 tech companies.

Final Thoughts

The metaverse is currently in an evolutionary phase and there is a lot that requires perfection. This will only happen over time, nevertheless, it is important that users know the likely threat they might encounter in this new world, and prepare for them in the best way possible.

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Dare Adegoriolu

I live and breath content writing and search engine optimization. Specialized in blockchain, cryptocurrency and everything in between.