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Coinnmonks crypto writers telegram group

Gaurav Agrawal
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2018


“Everything has to be educational in Coinmonks world”

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**This post will be continuously updated and If you are a Coinmonks’ contributor and want to access telegram, reach me on twitter @coinmonks**

Coinmonks publication is non-profit and non-promotional, If you are project in crypto field, we strongly believe that adding educational content will help grow ecosystem. So if you create educational content, we are happy to publish it. (You can swiftly plug you brand at the end). We don't charge anyone to publish on Coinmonks. It's from the community and for the community. For sustainability, we created Coinmonks jobs portal to help people find Jobs in crypto and of course your donations are welcome.

Coinmonks’ crypto writer group is strictly only for coinmonks contributors (writers). You can invite any contributor who is ready with his/her article and want to contribute on Coinmonks. (Ping me adding some would help)

Few things to remember-

  • Introduce yourself when you join the group 😃
  • Ping me your medium profile name when you join the group and also if you are already a contributor and want access to telegram group message me on Twitter (coinmonks)
  • DO NOT SPAM (even if it’s your article)
  • Share your draft with in the group, ask for reviews and comments from other writers.

Why Coinmonks’ Crypto writer group?

1- As We publish lot of articles daily, we see a gap that many times writers write on same topic when there is already an awesome write up exist on that Topic. particularly in case of coding tutorials. We can collectively help in suggesting better topics which can help to learn more and go deeper in tech or crypto economics.

2- Helping each other with their content and thought process by sharing views and comments on the article. So share draft before and ask for reviews in the group.

What is the purpose of the Group?

  • Share topics for article
  • Writing tips
  • Review help from other writers
  • Custom artwork (In case if needed)
  • Engage with other writers
  • Help writers to get freelance or complete coding projects (May be possible in future)

What to share in the group?

  • Education twitter thread (we love them)
  • Podcast, articles recommendation
  • Any education work you are doing which you think might helpful for community
  • Interesting learning resources
  • Any open source project you are working on

If you want to write freelance tutorial, ping me, I might have something for you 😃

Overall we want to help writer to produce content which people want to read.

“It’s all about you, who contribute on Coinmonks”

How to share your Topics to include in below List?

Either comment on the post or leave a private note on this draft. “Double click on anywhere and click on right most symbol when pop comes”.

“When ever you pick a topic from the list ping me on the telegram or leave a private note here, i’ll mark them in progress, so others won’t pick it up, By default they are unpicked if nothing is written in front of topic”.

Please! Please! Please! suggest topics and categories ❤️

List of topics to write about -



  • Bitcoin as a collateral
  • Bitcoin and Gold comparison as a store of Value
  • Economics model on crypto
  • Asset valuation
  • Consensus protocol economics
  • Fractional reserve banking problem and sound money
  • Bitcoin in debt based economy
  • Future banking with bitcoin
  • Origin of fiat money

Suggest more crypto/token economy topics

Other Topics

  • About decentralise exchange, how they work in comparison to centralise exchanges
  • How blockchain changing different business (Deep look or first hand experience)



  • We could use some bitcoin development tutorials (Please suggest topics)
  • How to build a bitcoin wallet (Tutorial series)
  • How to fork bitcoin and run it locally
  • Overall Bitcoin programming resources (Greatly needed)
  • Program merkle tree

Lightning Network

Please suggest topics

Ethereum development

  • Tutorials On Vyper Language
  • Latest ERC with implemetations
  • How to pay Dividends in your Token contract
  • How to build a capped CrowdSale contract
  • How to build a build a smart contract library
  • Tutorials on embark framework
  • How to build a burnable Token contract
  • Different Types of Token with implementation and in depth comparison
  • How to create your own Multisig contract in Solidity IDE (with support for tokens!)
  • How to create your own time-sensitive Crowdsale contract in Solidity IDE
  • Merkle proofs in a solidity contract in order to minimize the amount of data stored on the chain.


Suggest topics….


Suggest topics…


Suggest topics…


Suggest topics….

Smart Contract Languages

Solidity (Ethereum)

Vyper (Ethereum)

liquidity (Tezos)

suggest topics….


emerging Picture of web3

suggest topics…..


suggest topics ….

Private blockchains

suggest topic….


suggest topics…


suggest topics…


Suggest topics…


Suggest topics…

Tech tutorials

  1. Autotools vs CMake
  2. 2) Berkeley DB vs LMDB & LevelDB vs RocksDB for key value dbs.

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