Could Crypto Stop Conflict and War?

Robert Skulman
3 min readOct 31, 2022


Photo by Zlaťá on Unsplash

My friend Brad and I were talking at the coffee shop the other morning and he was discussing the crypto philosophy of it being a better store of value than gold. That got me thinking about the ancient Egyptians, the North, Central and South Americans and obviously numerous other peoples that have been invaded, occupied, ransacked and even killed for their gold and other valuables.

What if the Egyptians had had their values tokenized? I know this is fanciful thinking but it is a thought experiment at this stage so bear with me.

What if their collective energy of wealth represented by gold, of knowledge, design, building, agriculture, of ownership of land and buildings, etc. had been tokenized in a cryptographical and decentralized system? What would the invaders be gaining? They could still occupy the territory but there would be no gold. Their would be no tablets with historical knowledge and instructions to easily replicate the successes of the occupied territory’s economy.

There would be an undisputable and incorruptible record of ownership of the lands and buildings that could be reclaimed at some point in the future. What would the native Americans have gained if they had this type of record of ownership of their original occupation thus ownership of these incredible lands we call North America?

Yes, the invaders could bring their own knowledge and to some degree spin up a new economy. This would be less than ideal, and the important players of the local economy could easily slip away with their wealth and knowledge to a new place and resurrect these things, knowing that there identity and ownership records of the lands they left behind were still captured in this powerful system of blockchains.

Again, there would be no gold and without that immediate wealth benefit to the invaders I would venture to say that would have made many past aggressions economically unappealing.

And then the fact that the local citizens can easily disappear with their collective stored value/energy, knowledge and permanent records of ownership of the lands is obviously a strong deterrent from any invasion or occupation.

I would argue that almost any past war or aggression has been prompted by money or the equivalent more than any political or religious disagreement.

Watching the history of the Mayans last night, the narrator takes you through one of the first forays from Spanish occupied Cuba to Mayan country. It was an expedition that landed first on the Island of Cozumel. Here they collected many trinkets including some gold. Then they proceeded to the mainland of present day Mexico where they subsequently got slaughtered and some barely made it back to Cuba.

Instead of giving up on the invasion, the gold they had acquired in Cozumel encouraged them to go back and this they did many times. Gold overrode the fear of death.

We have a chance with Crypto to eliminate this obsession with power and money or at least the temptation to take it from someone else. Maybe we have to settle on just earning it ourselves with hard work and ingenuity.

This is just another big picture presentation of the power and potential of crypto and the blockchain.

Could crypto end war? I think it has a good chance.

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Robert Skulman

Dad of three beautiful girls, entrepreneur, tinkerer, crypto enthusiast, discoverer of modern day flubber. Just having fun pursuing knowledge