Crypto has a lying problem



Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

The problem in crypto is lying.

People lie about everything, and there is no way to check because they can hide their lies from the general public until the blockchain proves they are lying.

FTX gave a lesson in crypto that no one can be trusted.

The former CEO of SBF portrayed him as a centralized system post-child to save the crypto from collapsing.

He got the best parents with prestige positions and connections within the system and can provide many resources that others cannot.

Yet, they have to give resources again to SBF, who breaks both the traditional and later cryptosystem.

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It again shows the current system is not working as it supposes to design and smart people like SBF can drift away of their wrong doing and claim his innocent until everything they built collapsed.

Crypto is not FTX but FTX has been portrayed as a crypto product to lure everyone to believe the future is on FTX hands to create a utopia which turns out to be a dystopian society.

Everything SBF touches will become toxic.

