Crypto Yield Farming — Is Staking Crypto Worth It?



While there is a good number of us that have dove into crypto, dabbled here and there with staking, farming, nodes, blockchain games, NFTs, metaverse, and your good ol’ HODLing, the rest of the globe is just now “waking up” to the omnipresent world of earning income FROM cryptocurrencies. So, in this article, I will talk about the various ways you can earn from cryptos with heavy emphasis on the trending “Yield Farming.”

Like many of you, I have a normal day job. I’m a dentist and I make a good living treating people that basically don’t want to see me! During the pandemic, I sustained a nerve injury that was almost debilitating. It’s a lot better now, but it scared me to the point of looking for other ways to create income streams from home.

Enter: Cryptos. For me, I dove into cryptos about 2 years ago. Then, last year, I introduced a few of my co-workers to Cardano, Link, Bitcoin, Ethereum, among others. They actually didn’t do half bad and kind of ‘ran with it’ on their own after that. Then, I also have other co-workers that know zilch about even Bitcoin. And, among all of them, NONE of them know anything about Yield Farming!

Well, you’re in luck! I know A LOT about Yield Farming and will share as much as I can with you today.




Insider Tips & Resources for passive income w/ focus on trading, crypto, and affiliate marketing. Top Writer on for Investing and Finance