Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2022


Decentralization: A philosophy

Since humanity discovered fire, we have always been on innovative and creative pursuits. As the epochs changed and seasons passed, we evolved into an industrious civilization. With that development, societies started to organize themselves into various productive components. As this process evolved and became more sophisticated (i.e. blacksmiths to welders, farming labor to farming machines), power brokers and opportunists sprung forth from humanity’s moral challenges.

All the way back to the days of Caligula, emperor of Rome, to the tyrants of the 21st century, centralization of power has led to a series of unfortunate events repeatedly throughout history. Today is no different. In finance, central bankers work tirelessly to debase the money they are tasked to hold in trust and maintain. Governments are turning off your access to financial and consumer services because they might not like your politics. Technology companies are organizing and collaborating to control the distribution of information and activity online. Intelligence services are using the same technology to leverage information.

The dawn of the world wide web created for everyone both a chance to try something different as well as a nightmare for anyone who believes in human freedom. Freedom is something we must nurture. Without it, you stifle creativity and innovation, thereby putting out that fire we so long ago sparked. The blessing and the curse of the digital age has warranted a walk through time to see what happens when people are enslaved by centralized systems of human management or governance.

Most empires have fallen. Their money doesn’t exist and does not measure value well enough to be used as mediums of exchange. Occasionally their history has been rewritten, poorly transcribed or erased. Some of their achievements are lost to the pages of a book, if they were lucky to travel and trade their wares and words with the world. What has stood the test of time in terms of value is the history itself. Artifacts and histories hold immense monetary profit in honest and dishonest ways. What happens to that information can shape the outcome of entire civilizations. It would be safe to say leaving it into the hands of those who do not share the values of human freedom, innovation and creativity is a bad idea, proven in the last few thousand years.

So what’s the solution? We have relied on centralized systems of control long enough to know better and we possess the means to change that. Decentralized technology can and will have a positive impact on the human experience. Come join me on this journey down the rabbit hole of Decentralization.

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