Deciphering Web3, designing for all humans, and the vanishing designer

A weekly curated list of resources for designers and product leaders (002)

Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2022


Every week, I bring you topnotch articles, tools, templates, products and design Inspirations within the design industry to help you become a better designer.

Web3 is undoubtedly the next frontier for innovation and technology, we are at the beginning of another era of the internet, a more connected, transparent, and ownership-centric internet. As designers we sit at the heart of this movement, ensuring the solutions we create are usable and simplify complexity just enough for mass adoption.

This week’s list is a compilation of resources to get started in web3 design, design tips, and tools to improve your workflow, productivity, and skillset.


Despite all the media hype about the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is still in its infancy, meaning it’s an ideal time for designers to step in and help build new systems. — Tara Tan | IDEO

A Brief History of the Hamburger Icon by Antonio Freyre of


Making of A Brief Visual Exploration of A Dictionary of Typography Image source:

Tools and resources

Visionary designers have lost their conceptual integrity to an industrial complex optimized for consensus, predictability, and short-term business gain. The rise of data-driven culture cultivated a generation of designers who only take risk-free and success-guaranteed steps towards the inevitable local maxima of design monotony. — Chuánqi Sun

Extra resou

Image source: Dribbble
Image source: Dribbble
Image source: Dribbble
Image source: Dribbble

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