Deploy Your Smart Contract Directly from Truffle with Infura

Hyungsuk Kang


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It is often painful to develop on Remix with copying/pasting code on Open-zeppelin repository and scroll down the whole code without any gizmos included in the editor.

Well, not anymore. I found a way to do all that within the Truffle framework.

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1. Get Metamask

Trust me. It is really comfortable to have this without downloading full node of ethereum.

2. Get infura API Key.

Infura by ConsenSys

infura is secret weapon to ethereum infrastructure.

Here’s what ConsenSys media says:

Many of the blockchain space’s most remarkable projects — Metamask,CryptoKitties, UJO, Radar Relay, Cipher Browser, uPort — utilize Infura’s APIs to connect their applications to the Ethereum network.

